The big draw of the WarioWare series for me has always been the initial discovery of each microgame. I never have as much fun “perfecting” a single microgame, or trying to get a new high score in a given set of microgames, as I have seeing a completely new challenge thrown at me for the first time, with its unique artwork and style often completely different from the previous microgame or the next.
So WarioWare D.I.Y. Showcase seemed to me like the perfect proposition: I would reap the fruits of other people’s labours, and benefit from a constant and inexhaustible source of new microgames created by strangers who own the DS version of the game. Sadly, reality is quite different.
First, the included, Nintendo-made games, of which there are 72. They are divided in 4 sets of 18 games. That is not a lot when previous games had as many as 150. In addition, the games don’t surprise anymore. It is, after all, the 6th time or so we’re asked to shove a finger in a giant nose. We know what to expect, and fewer surprises means less fun.
This is where the user-made microgames should come to the rescue. Sadly, probably in an effort by Nintendo to avoid exposing kids to tons of penis-themed microgames, your access to user-made content is severely limited. Microgames can only be transferred from DS to Wiiware locally: you have to know personally people who are into creating microgames, and you need them to come to your place to share their creations.
Games can also be sent Wii-to-Wii online, but that means owners of the DS game also have to purchase the 800pts Wiiware version if they want to share their games that way. Then they can send them to you, though they have to actively do so.
You can’t check out random games from random people. There is simply no “store” or database for creators to upload their games to and you to download games from.
There is what is called the Ninsoft store, where you can download each week a new game made by (I assume) Nintendo employees, as well as games from “Big Names” such as Pixel (creator of Cave Story) or Ron Carmel (of World of Goo fame). But only 2 games or so are uploaded each week on the Ninsoft store. If you want to experience them properly (i.e. as part of a complete set of 18 microgames), you might have to wait more than 2 months to have enough games to fill up that set if you just rely on that store.
Other than that, the game does not include longer minigames like the previous games have. It does, however, have an unlockable simultaneous multiplayer mode that I haven’t tried, but should work much like the GameCube version.
Bottom line, Showcase is not very satisfying for someone who loves the WarioWare concept but is tired of the familiar microgames. The series is repeating itself, and access to user-made content is too restricted to change that.
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