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Wait, they're not dropping minecraft until 9pm EST tonight? What the hell was the point of giving it a May 11th release date then...
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on: 05/11/17, 16:55 |
ACA NEOGEO GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES (Nintendo eShop on Nintendo Switch)
Seriously, this is one of the best games ever made. DOWNLOAD IMMEDIATELY FOR GREAT JUSTICE!


Great music awaits!
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on: 05/11/17, 17:42 |
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05/11/17, 17:50 |
How's Elliot Quest?
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on: 05/11/17, 18:43 |
@GameDadGrantOh, a fighting game. No thanks
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on: 05/12/17, 02:53 |
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on: 05/12/17, 03:57 |
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on: 05/12/17, 04:06 |
Hero_Of_Hyrule said:@sirmastersephiroth
Abysmal. Wow. That IS bad.
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on: 05/12/17, 07:25 |
Um I never noticed anything wrong with Elliot Quest. I didn't get terribly far but the gameplay was solid and the art, music, and presentation was also really nice.
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on: 05/12/17, 12:05 |
@sirmastersephirothWell that was a really harsh review. I never had it be that bad and the glitches at worst were the game freezing on me. Other than that, the game ran fine, aside from the hiccups here and there but I imagine that's been ironed out for the 3DS version. It's not the best game ever but certainly not deserving of a 1/10.
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on: 05/12/17, 15:51 |
Even if the game worked perfectly fine, I'd only give it around a 4/10. It would have some good qualities that are held back by a fair share of negative attributes that make the moment-to-moment gameplay kind of dull for me. WITH the technical issues, it becomes a game that makes me unhappy to think about. And when a game is a source of negativity in my life, I'm not going to go easy on it. Side note, one of the devs responded to one of my miiverse posts saying that they'd work on the piece of bad design I pointed out. His Miiverse account is now hidden. The devs also didn't respond to an email I sent them at the time regarding the game's sorry state. I haven't touched the game in years to see if it has been updated, but those two signs are not encouraging. But even if all of those problems were fixed, it would still be lackluster at the end of the day.
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on: 05/12/17, 17:49 |
@Hero_Of_Hyrule I remember reading that when you first posted it. When it comes to games we've both played, I tend to agree with your criticisms, so I have a feeling I'd think the same things as you. I promptly placed it on my "never buy" list.
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on: 05/12/17, 20:51 |
Based on what you've written and your database scores, we do tend to agree a lot. But then I didn't like the demo I played of Perfect Dark, and you gave Majora's Mask a 6. Which is unforgivable.
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on: 05/12/17, 21:57 |
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05/12/17, 21:58 |
@Hero_Of_Hyrule Perfect Dark probably doesn't demo well. I also didn't think the single player was all that special, the multiplayer was where it was at. If it helps any, I intend to give Majora's Mask a second look!
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on: 05/13/17, 00:17 |
I'm grateful I've never let a video game be a source of negativity in my life.
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on: 05/13/17, 03:39 |
@KoovapsAwesome! Then I assume you've downloaded Mark of the Wolves? No game brings the happy like that one!
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on: 05/13/17, 07:44 |
@KoovapsI was concerned that the way I worded that might've sounded... I guess dramatic. What I'm trying to get at is that any time I spend with this game is a negative experience. That, based on my time with the game itself, I am worse off for having spent my time with it. It wasted my time, money, and goodwill. And the debts failed everyone by releasing the game in such a sorry state. But it's not entirely negative. After all, I do get some kind of fun out of picking it apart on here ;).
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on: 05/13/17, 08:14 |
I feel we are losing focus here. Why the EFF are we talking about some train wreck like Elliot Quest when a genuine MASTERPIECE like Mark of the Wolves just dropped? Has anyone tried the high score mode? It's amazing and addicting! Best Switch game so far, IMHO.
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on: 05/13/17, 15:52 |
@GameDadGrantI'll get it, Grant! I can't wait to challenge people to a game and be met with puzzled stares. Actually, should I grab KOF 98 or Garou first? By the way, Blazing Star is fun, too. It's like an easier R-Type! Still loving the arcade onslaught. Discovering the Neo Geo library on the Switch reminds me of discovering the PC Engine library on the Wii. Looking forward to more arcade goodness.
Posted by |
on: 05/13/17, 16:49 |
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05/13/17, 16:49 |
@AnandYAY! Why not both? Though if you only choose one, I highly recommend Garou: Mark of the Wolves. It's my favorite of the bunch.
Posted by |
on: 05/13/17, 17:40 |
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05/13/17, 17:40 |
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