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Nintendo Download: January 8-14, 2015.
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January 08, 2015, 16:18
January 8, 2015 – It's rather chilly out today, so stay inside and play some excellent retro games and one great eShop game (Chariot). Check out all of this week's updates at noon eastern today at your favorite digital storefront.

Wii U

Retail Games

  • Wipeout 3 – Activision

    eShop Games

  • Chariot – Frima Studio, $14.99
  • Maze – TreeFall Studios, $2.99

    Virtual Console

  • Mega Man Battle Network 2 (Game Boy Advance) – Capcom, $7.99

    Sales and Price Drops

  • Click here to see all current deals


    Retail Games

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Activision

    eShop Games

  • Best of Solitaire – Cosmigo, $3.99
  • Painting Workshop – Collavier Corporation, $4.99

    Virtual Consoles

  • Adventures of Lolo (NES) – Nintendo, $4.99

    Sales and Price Drops

  • Click here to see all current deals

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  • 01/08/15, 16:18
    Why not sign up for a (free) account?
    @ludist210, @Guillaume

    Ha ha, my good sirs. You misunderstand. I'm not taking a dig at the Wii U. I'm sorry if it came across that way. It is genuinely NOT what I wanted to say. What I'm taking issue with is the resolution of the sprite work, and WayForward's refusal to put the game in full, proper HD. I noted this about the PC version as well - I'm not singling out the console game. And it's odd that WayForward didn't give the game the proper HD treatment, because apparently they did HD character portraits for the dialogue scenes, but didn't bother to do anything with the actual game. Just...strange. Is it a budget thing? Like, they didn't have the funding to properly port this to other systems? I don't get it.

    And look, I know it's kind of become a "thing" that I trumpet the 3DS success/advantages (because apparently the fact that I like that Nintendo has created a great handheld system with lots of great games and cool features is a bad thing for some reason). But I don't do it out of spite or out of...I dunno, some desire just to get attention or something. I only point out the good stuff...because it's GOOD!

    And I know you guys like good stuff.

    In any case, I'm not alone with this train of thought. Other internet forum dwellers agree that the Wii U version's graphics are kind of lacking compared to the 3DS's; "because upscalling looks bad."

    Also, reviewers have noted the visual difference (though some may claim it's nostalgic and charming to see big pixels) but still note that "The graphics don’t look quite as sharp on a TV."

    Heck @Guillaume, Nintendo World Report's own Zach Miller pointed out this very thing in his review.. Check it out:

    Zachary Miller said:
    I just don’t think Pirate’s Curse blows up to a 51-inch screen all that attractively. It looks much smoother on the 3DS’ screen, though subtleties of the character animations are more obvious on the big screen. Overall, it just looks too pixelated, and the loss of the 3D effect is a bigger pain than I initially thought it would be. HD character portraits are nice, but their 3DS counterparts win out with their different “layers” (this was especially apparent on Risky Boots). The multi-layered environments, too, lose some appeal with the loss of 3D. The game just plain looked better on the 3DS—or even the 2DS, given the pixel-scaling problem.

    I think I've made my point.

    Though I suppose it should be pointed out that, visual differences aside, the game is a joy to play. Regardless of the platform. So if you don't mind sacrificing some of the visual fidelity of the adventure so you can play it on a (comparatively) HUGE screen, then hey. Have at it. It's your choice, after all.

    EDIT I suppose I should also make mention of the fact that I did try out the Wii U version for myself. That's actually how I noticed the visual discrepancy in the first place. Did you guys try the 3DS version?

    Posted by 
     on: 01/10/15, 04:06   Edited:  01/10/15, 05:05
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but has Mighty Switch Force 2 ever gone on sale?

    Posted by 
     on: 01/10/15, 21:01
    Well I'll back you up as far as Shovel Knight is concerned, I have both versions, and the 3DS version looks way better IMO, the 3-D is super cool. I also feel this way about a lot of the GBA VC games, Aria of Sorrow looks awesome on the GBA but it's a bit of blocky mess on my 48" TV, even NES/SNES VC games look extremely blocky, when I was a kid I had a 13" CRT and those games looked magical, I don't think the mixture of huge surface areas and harsh LCD technology are very kind to low-res sprites.

    That said, I do enjoy seeing old games blown up huge because it's neat to study the detail in the sprites and to see how they were designed to "fool" the eye when viewed at normal size, and they do take on sort of an abstract beauty, I've played through my favorite game (Metroid 4) on my big TV and noticed things I've never seen before, especially how masterfully they "faked" dynamic lighting in that game with some neat transparency effects, very cool.

    BTW I don't think this should be an issue because these games should be cross-buy the way indie games are on the PS4/Vita (or at least a heavily discounted bundle that include both formats). I'm still a little mad I had to pay full-price for Shovel Knight twice, but I didn't mind too much since I wanted to support the developer. Nintendo should let gamers buy the game and then play on whatever device they prefer, especially for VC titles, it's a crime I can't play Aria of Sorrow or Metroid 4 on my 3DS.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/10/15, 22:44   Edited:  01/10/15, 22:52

    Cool man. I think there is just a knee-jerk reaction when anything even slightly negative is brought up about Wii U. I don't mean to ruffle feathers, but it seems that if you don't fully, 100% support the console in every conversation, you're going to be confronted.

    Or maybe it's just me. I dunno. *shrugs*

    By the way, can't you play Metroid Fusion on your 3DS? I was under the impression that you're an Ambassador...?

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 04:11

    And I think you are a parody of yourself at this point. You point to one or two things that are arguably better about the 3DS version and immediately use that to conclude that it's the "version to get" without considering any possible advantages for the console or PC version. When people push back about that you act like everyone's crazy but you. It's so so tired.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 04:25
    Apparently Chariot is pretty good? And has local co-op. Maybe I'll get it for Shirley and I to play here and there.

    @Mop it up Well I just now checked and apparently some years I didn't even get it all posted up until late January so I guess I'm doing ok. Should be up within a few days.

    @GameDadGrant BOY WHO CRIED WOLF.

    Just kidding. I actually probably will get it on 3DS when I get it, doubly so because there is a Shantae coming to Wii U that isn't coming to 3DS so might as well have one on each platform.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 06:11   Edited:  01/11/15, 06:13
    anon_mastermind said:
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but has Mighty Switch Force 2 ever gone on sale?

    It has - but it was a long time ago. Beginning of 2013, IIRC.

    Jargon said:
    And I think you are a parody of yourself at this point.

    LOL, I know you do. It's a bit tiring that you keep trying to bring this up, but I know you won't stop. Keep on keeping on, I guess!

    Jargon said:
    You point to one or two things that are arguably better about the 3DS version and immediately use that to conclude that it's the "version to get" without considering any possible advantages for the console or PC version.

    Well, one of those things I mentioned about getting the 3DS version is that it's on sale. So apparently I'm the bad guy for suggesting you save money. And let's not forget I cited several sources that back up what I pointed out; I'm not just making stuff up just to be disruptive.

    I'm confused as to why you're so quick to pigeonhole me and make me out to be the "crazy handheld guy." You say that I'm not "considering any possible advantages for the console or PC version." So that must mean that you skipped over the last part of my post above. Here it is so you can read it without having to be bothered to search for it:

    GameDadGrant said:
    Though I suppose it should be pointed out that, visual differences aside, the game is a joy to play. Regardless of the platform. So if you don't mind sacrificing some of the visual fidelity of the adventure so you can play it on a (comparatively) HUGE screen, then hey. Have at it. It's your choice, after all.

    I get it, some people want to play on a big screen. (or play with a Pro Controller!) That's fine, anyone can do whatever they want. There is some loss had with the visuals which I clearly pointed out, as have others, but at the end of the day? It's still a great game. And those HD portraits during the dialogue scenes look great. So like...whatevs.*shrugs*

    You crazy, Jargs.

    Zero said:
    @GameDadGrant BOY WHO CRIED WOLF.

    Just kidding. I actually probably will get it on 3DS when I get it, doubly so because there is a Shantae coming to Wii U that isn't coming to 3DS so might as well have one on each platform.

    Aw yeah! Definitely looking forward to Half-Genie Hero! Especially to see what WayForward is going to do with all their fancy KickStarter funds they've accumulated. They've been able to make all their other Shantae games without crowdfunding, but for some reason they had to for this one. I wonder why? I assumed it was because the game is going on like, a million different platforms this time. But...isn't this being made in Unity, or something like that? I thought developers (mostly indies) preferred using an engine like Unity because of the cost benefits.

    Anyone have any insight into this?

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 17:02   Edited:  01/11/15, 17:03
    GameDadGrant's suggestion seemed innocent and fair to me.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 19:52
    @Mop it up

    Thank you. Seriously, your comment is very much appreciated.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 21:35
    Yeah, Grant's post seemed fine here.

    ...But Smash Wii U's online is not worse than 3DS! They're both quite excellent, with occasional lags! Anecdotal evidence, I say!

    Also, Lufia: The Legend Returns GBC (for 3DS VC) coming this Thursday. I'm curious, but still hoping for Lufia 2 one of these days.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 22:06

    Thank you, sir.

    And yeah, my online experience with Smash was probably just a fluke. Still, disappointing.

    Also? I wouldn't get my hopes up too high regarding The Legend Returns. It's...not that good, IIRC.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 22:15   Edited:  01/11/15, 22:15

    I agree your original post was fine. I never said otherwise.

    This wasn't fine though:

    GameDadGrant said:
    I think there is just a knee-jerk reaction when anything even slightly negative is brought up about Wii U.

    Playing arm chair psychologist of Ludist and Guillaume (and really the site in general it seems) just for pushing back on your claim that the game looks much better on 3DS. It can't be because they just disagree, it has to have something to do with their relationship to Wii U as a platform. Completely expected from you, of course. That's what's tired.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/11/15, 23:16   Edited:  01/11/15, 23:27

    Right. They didn't just disagree. There was issue taken with their relationship to the console. You're not wrong. Or was there some other way I should have interpreted this:

    ludist210 said:
    Well yeah, you basically took an unnecessary dig at the Wii U version.

    Even though I wasn't explicitly talking about the Wii U version.

    Let's move on.


    Posted by 
     on: 01/12/15, 17:46   Edited:  01/12/15, 20:01
    Everyone be nice.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/12/15, 17:52
    GameDadGrant said:
    Even though I wasn't explicitly talking about the Wii U version.
    My last post on the subject, then I'm done.

    To be fair, given the context of the OP, it was generally assumed that you were speaking of the Wii U version of Shantae and the Pirate's Curse. Since there is no PC version yet, well...that's what I was going on. If I'm taking something out of context, then I apologize, but that's how I read it.

    I dunno, stereoscopic 3D isn't really a selling point for me anymore. That's sad because I really liked it once upon a time. Nowadays I play most every game with the 3D off. Plus the "blown-up pixels" point doesn't really hold water with me because I'd mostly play it off-TV (as I do with most games) and even on a TV, it looks like fine. Not as good as, say, Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition, but good regardless.

    The sale price is nice, but I prefer the option to play games on my TV when possible. Even when I'm playing on the Gamepad, there's more screen real estate than there is on the 3DS.

    I'm not dogging the 3DS. I adore my 3DS. It has some great games. I'm glad you like the 3DS version of Shantae. Different strokes for different folks.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/12/15, 19:09   Edited:  01/12/15, 19:11
    Maybe I should also post one last post on the topic:

    Reviews aren't the be all end all of opinions. They're a guide, and ideally they're not only descriptive enough but also wear their bias on their sleeve enough for the reader what to take from it and what to leave.

    As much as I respect Zach as a reviewer, I'm not going to treat statements like "it's just too pixellated" as fact, but rather as a flag: this reviewer doesn't appreciate big pixels. Which is an opinion that's perfectly fine to have. But IMO the correct way to treat this information is not to say "therefore this version is inferior" but rather to ask yourself where your preferences lie and whether you have the same reaction to pixel art that the reviewer has.

    At any rate, I think it's fine that you love the 3DS version and it's fine for you to express your preference. But my post was to add some nuance to what you said and simply meant to inform others that there is nothing "wrong" with the HD version. There was really no need to keep doubling down on your pushback against the Wii U version.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/12/15, 19:38

    Yeah, sorry. I was in a strangely grumpy mood this morning. I'll edit out the more inflammatory remarks I made.


    Yeah, it's cool. Jargon made a comment about waiting for the game to come out on Steam (or something to that effect) so that's why I mentioned a PC version. It's no biggie, and like I said in another post: I get it, some people want to play on a big screen. (or play with a Pro Controller!). If big pixels don't bother you (or especially if you prefer them) then yeah. The Wii U version is certainly not bad. As I also said before: "Though I suppose it should be pointed out that, visual differences aside, the game is a joy to play. Regardless of the platform."

    And I didn't mean to single you out either, so I apologize for that. Your comment was just the most relevant to the conversation I was having with Jargon...I don't want to seem like I was throwing you under the bus or anything. Cheers, dude.


    Yeah, I agree that reviews are an opinion of one person, and not end-all, be-all fact. I was just referencing sources that shared my point of view. Zach's review was just one of the several I pointed out that all said the same thing. In my opinion (as well as others) the game doesn't look as good with big, chunky pixels. I would argue that a heavily pixelated look was not the developer's intended look for the game either, but rather a by-product of blowing up the sprites to fit on a TV. Otherwise, they would have made it look pixelated on 3DS, too. But it doesn't - because that's not the way WayForward wanted to present their game. It's up-scaled, but not properly so.

    It should be noted too, that Zach Miller also reviewed Shovel Knight for the Wii U, and took no issue with the big, chunky pixels in that game. So it's not even that Zach doesn't appreciated big pixels - it just doesn't look good for Shantae. (in his opinion, anyway) And I would agree. Again, reviews aren't "THE LAW" but it's a reference point to show that pixels aren't a turn-off for everyone. It works for Yacht Club's game. Not so much for WayForward's game. IMO, of course!

    In any case, I respect your opinion on this. While we can agree that the Wii U version is good, I would still recommend the 3DS version over it. Especially right now, since that is the version that is on sale. But hey. To each his own. As @ludist210 mentioned, "Different strokes for different folks."


    Posted by 
     on: 01/12/15, 20:29
    There is definitely a difference between designing an HD-era console game with intentionally low-res sprites and blowing up a handheld game onto a TV screen, the artists take the intended scale into mind even if they're going for a decidedly retro look. Blowing up a game from a 4" screen to a 50" can cause problems, just like there are sometimes problems taking console games and squeezing them onto a relatively tiny handheld screen (the minuscule and practically illegible text in the Vita version of Rogue Legacy comes to mind).

    I find that usually (but not always) games look and play better on the device they were originally designed for, and that ports/conversions are rarely the ideal way to play. So just based on past experience I'd probable go with the 3DS version of Shantae vs. the Wii U.

    Also it's worth noting that recent Way Forward games designed for console don't really have the same pixel-art style as their handheld titles, they have a more cel-shaded look (i.e. Duck Tales).

    Posted by 
     on: 01/12/15, 21:28   Edited:  01/13/15, 03:57

    So are you going to retract/apologize for your comment that I highlighted? After both people explained their response do you still think there's a knee jerk reaction whenever anything slightly negative is brought up about the Wii U or do you now realize they were just responding to your comment and reputation earned over years of posts (a reputation you yourself brought up in your original post)?

    Posted by 
     on: 01/12/15, 23:36   Edited:  01/12/15, 23:47

    No worries friend.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/13/15, 00:24
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