The data is from Famitsu. 3DominationS?

1) Pokemon X and Y (3DS) - 3,976,829
2) Monster Hunter 4 (3DS) - 3,293,312
3) Animal Crossing: New Leaf (3DS) - 1,730,182 (lifetime to date: 4,017,159)
4) Tomodachi Collection (3DS) - 1,580,067
5) Dragon Quest VII (3DS) - 1,227,377
6) Puzzle & Dragons Z (3DS) - 1,005,697
7) Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon (3DS) - 982,737
8) Grand Theft Auto V (PS3) - 605,882
9) New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U) - 584,479 (lifetime to date: 965,794)
10) Wii Party U (Wii U) - 518,766
3DS - 4,931,509 units (LTD 14,694,011)
Vita - 1,197,980 units
Wii U - 880,088 units
PS. What the heck is Puzzle & Dragons Z? Seems like it sold pretty darn well for something that I've never heard of.
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