Hi, fellow NWers! I'm thrilled to announce to all of you today something big going down for me...from today's BitF post:
"So here’s what’s going on:
I’m making a game, and I’ve been approved for the Wii U! The game is Tadpole Treble, a music/action adventure where the actual notes of the music are your obstacles. Many of you may have tried the demo we made last year; the game has been revamped to be much smoother! We’ve listened to your feedback and have rebuilt the engine from scratch so that everything flows and plays as intuitively as possible.
Because making a game is extremely pricey (even with me handling most of the art, music, and stage design myself), we’ve decided that
Kickstarter is the best way to move forward with Tadpole Treble. We’d love to release a fully-featured eShop game by the end of next year, but we’ll need your help to do so! Those that have followed Brawl in the Family all these years know I’m extremely passionate about video games, and have incorporated music and art in a variety of media to convey this passion. So I hope it comes as no surprise to any BitFan that making a game for a Nintendo system is a huge dream of mine! And I’ve made this clear to Nintendo of America’s Dan Adelman, who approved us for this goal.
The basic game will be released on PC and Mac, but if we can get the funding to cover the licensing costs for developing for the eShop, it’ll have a simultaneous release on the Wii U. The game itself is a mere seven dollars in the Kickstarter, and if you like BitF at all, I’d highly recommend it! So please help us reach this dream, guys! Anything at all you can do–whether by pledging yourself, or by spreading the word–will be most appreciated.
Feel free to send me any questions or comments. I should be doing an AMA on Reddit very soon as well, and will post the link here when it’s up.
Thank you for the years of support."
Kickstarter LinkSo that's that! Fink's actually got a podcast coming up where I answer all sorts of BitF/TT questions as well, so thanks very much for featuring me, Fink. Anything at all that you guys can do to help support the game and/or spread the word would be totally appreciated. In case the above passage didn't make it clear enough, this is a long-standing dream of mine. Thanks again, NW!
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