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I'm dreading having to use the Wiimote for another full generation [roundtable]
I mean, it's nice that I'll have plenty of controllers next gen and all...but sheesh, these things are kind of a headache.

-For starters, they run on AA batteries, so that means more wasted money for several years. Moreso when you remember how thirsty the Wiimote gets, and how it actually drains battery life while idle (or off!).

-There's no on/off switch, so even just picking an episode of something on Netflix, it sits there all blue and on, wasting away battery after battery while you watch the latest Parks and Recreation.

-Sometimes it just won't work period. It'll have been calibrated and working fine for weeks on your same Wii, then suddenly decide to go into a blinking fit when you try to activate it.

-You have to turn it on to navigate the menu, even when using other controllers (like the Wavebird for SSB). This probably won't be a problem with the Wii U, but it sure bugs me now.

-Third parties feel limited by the WR+Nunchuk NOW, given the lack of an analogue stick. How can we play multiplayer titles that require more buttons on the Wii U? Not everyone's going to want to get 3+ Classic Controllers.

-I feel there'll always be an imbalance in multi, with one player getting the stand-out controller.

The more I think about it, the less I like it. Sorry to get all into negative mode, but for all its renovations and nifty aspects, the Wii Remote isn't perfect and it could certainly use some sprucing up for next gen. I probably go through a pair of batteries every week and a half. That's well over 50 in a year, which is pretty ridiculous for 2011 and beyond. I think the other part of it is that, unlike the software, I've been disappointed with Nintendo's hardware decisions ever since my Wii wiped itself out, and I kind of have to release this frustration somewhere.

Any thoughts?

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08/30/11, 08:15  
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AA rechargeable batteries have been around since well before I got my first brick Game Boy. I'll never understand the complaint about wasting batteries after batteries.
08/30/11, 08:22   
Thats why God made rechargeable batteries. I bought several sets of energizer rechargeables when the Wii came out and I have not had to buy batteries since. So, that argument gets thrown out the window. Seriously, if you buy that many batteries, its your own fault and it boggles my mind if someone actually would waste that much money on batteries when they don't have to...unless ya got money to burn or you are just plain ig.

I have no problem with the Wii mote/nunchuck setup...just as easy to use that as the wavebird, classic controllers, and insert any other controller.
08/30/11, 08:22   
Edited: 08/30/11, 08:24
Umm, who says there won't be a 'next gen' wiimote? Using the old wimote is for BC and the convenience of you already owning one. Games like New Super Mario Bros. Mii would be better off being compatible with old wiimotes, like Brawl does with Gamecube controllers, but that doesn't mean that they'll work with every next-gen game, and some of them may only be compatible with next-gen wiimotes, though I imagine they'd be called something else.
08/30/11, 08:30   
Yeah, you really need to get some rechargeable batteries. I got the Nyko charge station four years ago when I got my Wii and it's still going strong. I don't have a problem using the Wii-mote and nunchuck next gen.
08/30/11, 08:46   
I absolutely ag- oh, yeah I guess so.
08/30/11, 09:32   
I've noticed that Wii-mote goes to sleep while watching Netflix. In fact it is annoying when I want to pause and I have to get it working again.
08/30/11, 10:31   
One more thing to add: The dag-blasted Remote Sleeves! When I have to replace the batteries/sync the remote, I have to peel back the stupid sleeve. I like the feel of the remote with the sleeve, but man oh man, what a crappy design. You'd think they would have left a hole for the battery compartment or something.

I'm with ya on all your complaints, Triforcebun. Heck, I showed the Wii Remote who's boss by using the Cassic Controller for DKCR.
08/30/11, 11:14   
These batteries are awesome

I actually prefer devices that use AA batteries because you can always have some ready to go.., as far as using the Wiimote and nunchuk for another generation, I've got no problem with it at all. Chances are most games will use the new Wii U controller, though.
08/30/11, 12:00   
Guillaume said:
AA rechargeable batteries have been around since well before I got my first brick Game Boy. I'll never understand the complaint about wasting batteries after batteries.

Who the fuck buys batteries? I don't. I don't even play my games on my Wii anymore, any game I can I just pop it onto Dolphin because it's 90% less headache-inducing. I shouldn't have to spend any extra money to get my controller working. Batteries need to be built in goddammit, it's not the 90s anymore. It's also why I have a wired 360 controller.
08/30/11, 13:33   
It's really a headache-inducing to pop in a couple rechargeable AA's every few weeks? Easier than having to plan a USB charge of a PS3 controller, and I don't have to worry about memory issues of a built in battery. The only downside is that AA's are heavier.
08/30/11, 13:42   
Hinph said:
It's really a headache-inducing to pop in a couple rechargeable AA's every few weeks? Easier than having to plan a USB charge of a PS3 controller, and I don't have to worry about memory issues of a built in battery. The only downside is that AA's are heavier.

Um, having to actually buy the batteries is a headache, yes. I don't use batteries. For anything. If something requires batteries, I either don't use it or don't buy it. "Manual" batteries are old-hat.

And you don't "plan" a charge, fucking leave it on the charger when you're done! Unless you plan 15 hour gaming sessions you won't have a problem, plus most people have multiple controllers without having to buy them.


08/30/11, 14:11   
Edited: 08/30/11, 14:11
I bought rechargeable batteries but they worked like shit. Takes forever to charge which isn't too bad but it's the fact that their charge were total crap. I guess this is a Wii controller issue where the batteries constantly drain when even not in use.

I really do hope they release a next gen controller that you can just plug in to charge instead. Didn't they learn that people enjoy this type of convenience back when they released the GBA SP?
08/30/11, 15:50   
Xbob42 said:
Um, having to actually buy the batteries is a headache, yes. I don't use batteries. For anything. If something requires batteries, I either don't use it or don't buy it. "Manual" batteries are old-hat.

What about TV or DVD remotes? Smoke detectors? There are some things that still require old fashioned batteries.

Anyway, I've used rechargeable batteries without a problem. I bought 4 pairs of AA's for $15 years ago and they're still going strong.

And for some reason I don't seem to have the problem with the batteries draining when left in the Wii remotes. For instance, I've had the same pair of batteries in my second, less used, Wii remote for over a month now and they still have 3 bars left. Maybe it's because the batteries are low discharge rechargeables? Or maybe it's because I don't keep the Wii in standby mode? Who knows.
08/30/11, 16:08   
Edited: 08/30/11, 16:09
canonj said:
Xbob42 said:
Um, having to actually buy the batteries is a headache, yes. I don't use batteries. For anything. If something requires batteries, I either don't use it or don't buy it. "Manual" batteries are old-hat.

What about TV or DVD remotes? Smoke detectors? There are some things that still require old fashioned batteries.

Anyway, I've used rechargeable batteries without a problem. I bought 4 pairs of AA's for $15 years ago and they're still going strong.

And for some reason I don't seem to have the problem with the batteries draining when left in the Wii remotes. For instance, I've had the same pair of batteries in my second, less used, Wii remote for over a month now and they still have 3 bars left. Maybe it's because the batteries are low discharge rechargeables? Or maybe it's because I don't keep the Wii in standby mode? Who knows.

lol... TV and DVD, welcome to the digital age my friend. Got me on smoke detectors, but someone else buys those batteries.
08/30/11, 16:17   
I agree the wiimote could be optimized. I do hope there is a next-gen iteration, would be nice if it were packed in with the tablet and console.

But, I think a lot of your complaints are overblown.
08/30/11, 16:29   
I have rechargeable batteries and love them. That doesn't change the fact that the Wiimote absolutely slurps batteries dry while idle. My Game Boy Color turned on fine last week and I hadn't replaced the batteries in YEARS. Idle Wiimotes eat batteries in weeks.

It's not the end of the world nor anything close to it, but it is pretty annoying.
08/30/11, 16:57   
Edited: 08/30/11, 16:58
To be honest, most of that stuff doesn't bother me. It's nice that we'll be able to 'carry over' our controllers, for once.

I'm more irritated about the lack of Gamecube controller support. I love that thing.
08/30/11, 17:06   
Overall I'm pretty happy with my Wiimotes but I do have rechargeable batteries and the inductive charger. Also I don't use Netflix yet and if I did I'd probably run it through a different device like my Blu-Ray or Xbox-360.

You do make some good points though @TriforceBun.
08/30/11, 17:07   
Gamecube classic controller. Take that one to the bank.
08/30/11, 17:07   
I don't understand how Dolphin eliminates the need for the Wiimote.
08/30/11, 17:10   
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