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What are your Top 5 third-party games on each Nintendo platform? [roundtable]
In light of the ongoing Konamiclysm and all of the minor Capcomstrophes (and the impending doom of the Japanese console gaming industry), I was remembering the good times I had with those companies, back in the day. With that in mind, what are your Top 5 third-party games on each Nintendo console? You can rank them or just list them. Whatevs. It might even be fun to compile the results in the end. I'll do one platform now and fill in the rest later. NES: (in no particular order) a) Bionic Commando b) Contra c) River City Ransom d) Castlevania e) Super Spike V'Ball Honorable mentions: TOO MANY TO LIST, especially for an action game junkie like myself. NES is probably my favorite system of all time. But, off the top of my head... Crystalis, Ghosts'n'Goblins, Stinger, Ninja Gaiden, Ring King, Rygar, Wizards & Warriors, The Goonies II, Ikari Warriors, Double Dragon II, Blaster Master, Tetris, Batman, Gradius, Maniac Mansion, Lode Runner... I could honestly keep going for a really long time, but I'll stop here.First roundtable of the new year, baby!!URL to share (right click and copy)
01/13/16, 19:41 Edited: 01/13/16, 19:41
NES1.) Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (my #1 favorite NES game ever, actually!) 2.) Mega Man IV 3.) Super C 4.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game 5.) Bubble Bobble Gameboy1.) Mega Man V 2.) Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge 3.) Operation C 4.) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: Back From The Sewers 5.) Kwirk Super Nintendo1.) Chrono Trigger (Best Game Of All Time) 2.) Street Fighter II: The World Warrior 3.) Mega Man X 4.) Tiny Toons: Buster Busts Loose! 5.) Castlevania: Dracula X Nintendo 641.) RUSH 2: Extreme Racing USA 2.) Resident Evil 2 3.) Castlevania 4.) Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 5.) DOOM 64 Gameboy Color1.) Metal Gear Solid 2.) Mega Man Xtreme 3.) Street Fighter Alpha 4.) Shantae 5.) Toki Tori Gameboy Advance1.) Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance 2.) Mega Man Zero 3.) Street Fighter Alpha 3 4.) Metal Slug Advance 5.) Ninja Five-O Gamecube1.) Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 2.) Resident Evil 4 3.) Baten Kaitos Origins 4.) Soulcalibur II 5.) SSX3 DS1.) Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow 2.) 999: 9 Persons, 9 Hours, 9 Doors 3.) Phantasy Star 0 4.) Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword 5.) Feel the Magic: XY/XX Wii1.) Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars (favorite Wii game overall) 2.) Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth 3.) FAST: Racing League 4.) Guitar Hero 5 5.) World of Goo 3DS1.) SUPER Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition 2.) Resident Evil Revelations 3.) Shovel Knight 4.) Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy - Curtain Call 5.) Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate Wii U1.) Tekken Tag Tournament 2: Wii U Edition 2.) Guitar Hero Live 3.) FAST: Racing Neo 4.) ??? 5.) ??? (sorry, haven't played many Wii U games.  ) My list is mostly just my "favorites" - not necessarily what I would call "the best." I know objectively, some games probably should have been listed instead of others. But I decided to list favorites since those are the ones that stick out most in my mind. Also, I kinda "cheated" a bit since some of the games I didn't play until they were made available on Virtual Console. (*glances in Shantae's direction*) Hopefully that's "allowed." |
SNES: (in no particular order) a) Mortal Kombat II (my chums & I played the shit out of this game) b) ActRaiser (a clunky classic!) c) Super Bomberman 2 (multiplayer madness) d) Super Ghouls'n'Ghosts (balls hard) e) Rock'n'Roll Racing (R.C. Pro-am + Hard Rock = endless bliss) Honorable mentions: Bust-a-Move, Contra III, Super Castlevania, Street Fighter II Turbo, Krusty's Super Fun House (shut up, it was really good!)I actually don't have as much of a connection to the SNES as some of y'all. The NES game was incredibly exciting and fresh, but the SNES era, in general, felt like a period of iteration and refinement, rather than innovation. N64: (in no particular order) a) Micro Machines 64 (natch) b) Rush 2049 (stunt mode was super-fun) c) Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (surprisingly good!) d) Wipeout 64 (four-player!) e) Bust-a-Move '99 (because The New Tetris was published by Nintendo) Honorable mentions: Quake II, Extreme G, Beetle Adventure Racing, Turok Rage Wars, Bomberman 64, Conker's Bad Fur Day & Perfect Dark (these might be cheating, since Nintendo partially owned Rare - otherwise PD would have definitely topped my list)@GameDadGrantAs long as they were on the system and not affiliated with Nintendo, they're fair game! Tekken Tag 2 on Wii U is pretty awesome. I wish they kept that persistent doodling feature, though. It was so brilliant! Is there a sicker burn than drawing a pile of poop on the loser's face? Like, with stink lines, and everything? Well, I can probably think of one... @ZeroMischief Makers was published by Nintendo, wasn't it? |
@AnandYeah, the face-drawing thing would have been amazing. They probably took that out BECAUSE you could draw...y'know...THAT on the face of your defeated foe! @ZeroOoh, Radiant Historia! Good call. @Mop it upYeah, I noticed you're kind of unreasonably good at Tetris ULTIMATE. Trying to keep up with your high score is the path of madness, LOL! @ShadowlinkGamecube, an RPG *beast*...? Um...well. Perhaps compared to the N64...but that's not saying much. That said, the RPGs it DID have were really good, and I can think of nearly ten off the top of my head. Which seems plenty enough for those that enjoy the genre. How many RPGs can one play in a generation, anyway? |
This is pretty difficult. I don't feel like doing them all in one post since I got stuff to do, but here're the first few...in descending order!
Ports/remakes excluded unless otherwise noted.
5. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game 4. Mega Man 3. Dragon Warrior IV 2. Mega Man 2 1. Mega Man 3
Mega Man takes it away here, but DW4 is a really great RPG for any era and TMNT 2 is great fun.
Honorable mentions: TMNT3, Castlevania, and a secret gem: Conquest of the Crystal Palace. I'm about to dive into DW3 GBC for the first time so that might retroactively make my NES list.
5. Legend of the River King 4. Solar Striker (nostalgic memories) 3. Gargoyle's Quest 2. Mega Man V 1. Tetris (does this count? Whatever, I'm counting it)
Kinda slim pickings here. There are a ton of 1st-party games that I love on the GB, but I haven't played too many 3rd-party ones. Would be nice if we got more on the VC.
5. Super Castlevania IV 4. Mega Man X 3. Lufia 2: Rise of the Sinistrals 2. Chrono Trigger 1. Final Fantasy III (best game on the system!)
A strong showing for RPGs, unsurprisingly. The SNES might be my only system where a third-party game is my favorite on the console. The large list of runners-up include Final Fantasy II, Harvest Moon, TMNT4: Turtles in Time, Mega Man X2, Secret of Mana, ActRaiser, Lufia, Contra III, Illusion of Gaia, Secret of Evermore...dang, the SNES was amazing.
5. Sonic Advance? I dunno. 4. Mega Man Zero 3. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon 2. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow 1. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Not many noteworthy ones, although the top 3 is solid. If I counted ports, FFVI Advance would EASILY top the list, while FFIV Advance would show up too.
5. Rayman 2: The Great Escape 4. Gauntlet Legends 3. Rocket: Robot on Wheels 2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1. Harvest Moon 64
Not as rough as I thought it'd be. Rocket was a very clever physics-based platformer with some neat variety. Gauntlet Legends is sort of a guilty pleasure but it was very addictive. And speaking of addictive, Harvest Moon 64 was a masterpiece and still the best game in the series. EDIT: Totally forgot about Tony Hawk! Great game, even if they eventually ran it into the ground. Sorry Space Station: Silicon Valley, you've been bumped. EDIT 2: Just remembered Rayman 2, which I think edges out the previous number 5, Beetle Adventure Racing.
Next post, I'll start going into the disc-based systems and their respective handhelds! |
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