Sequel to Metal Gear Solid 2, and prequel to the entire Metal Gear series in general. Developed and published by Konami in 2004 in Japan and North America, and in 2005 in Europe and Australia. Unlike most of the Metal Gear series, this takes place in the 1960s in a Soviet jungle. Snake Eater was significant for having new technology which allowed extensive outdoor environments, compared to the mostly indoor settings of the previous 3D games in the series.
Followed by an upgraded special edition entitled Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (separate entry in the database), which was released in 2005 in Japan, and 2006 in other major territories. Subsistence is notable for including a competitive online multiplayer mode titled "Metal Gear Online", as well as emulated/updated ports of the first two games, Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake, originally released for the MSX2 computer.
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