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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Discussion (Nintendo Switch) [game]
11/30/17, 15:00 Edited: 11/30/17, 15:01
Oh my sweet lord. I got a notification that I had to pick up my collector's edition instead of having it delivered to me, since it wouldn't fit in my mailbox. So I went to pick it up, expecting something roughly the same size as other collector's editions I have, like three or four DVD cases put together, but this thing is huge! Similar in size to my torso. And it's gorgeous! Unlike my torso.
The outer cardboard sleeve is red and black on one side, and white and gold on the other. The inner cardboard box is black with shiny silver symbols printed on it, and to open it up you slide its sides apart to reveal the amazing art book lying snuggly in the middle. Around 220 pages of production artworks on nice, glossy paper.
Underneath the book is a kind-of-hidden compartment that you open up by pulling on a string, revealing the retail box and steel case, with the soundtrack selection CD lying under those.
I'm blown away by this, and I haven't even started the game yet. |
@TheOldManFromZeldaThe battles aren't bad at all - I especially like the longer fights, like boss fights and stuff - but I still prefer the old system. Like, the old one was flexible enough that you could circumvent being underleveled by clever use of equipment or strategy. If you wanted to play it straight and just level up you could, but you'd also get rewarded for learning the ins and outs of the system. I can definitely see why others prefer this system, but to me it feels wrapped in so many RNG events that I almost feel isolated from the actual gameplay at times. The resources you find, the blades you unlock, the materials you salvage. And while I don't mind the collection points system at all, I don't quite see the reason why it has to be an animated affair and especially not since the game needs your current animation to end completely before you get to press the A-button and actually activate the collection point. It's a miniscule gripe, but there are so many of these in this game. The way they've pulled complexity from the social events/sidequests, the gear customization, the exploration and poured it all into the blade system doesn't sit well with me at all. I could have accepted it if the plot had sucked me in, but unless there's some major plot twisting around the corner this is one of the tropiest RPGs I've ever played. I loved it when the game started, because I thought they would play around with it and with our expectations, but now I get the feeling that they're truly meaning business with the clichés. If I'm the only one bothered by these things, great, 'cause I like this series and I want it to do well so that it can live on. Maybe I'll have better luck next time. Maybe a Xenoblade Chronicles X 2 would be more up my alley, as weird as that seems to me. EDIT: But please tell me I'm not the only one having a problem with the map/compass/menu in this game. These are things I will claim are objectively bad. Really terrible designs. The map and compass are borderline useless in this game. Xenoblade Chronicles was exploration perfection, why the fuck would they tamper with it like this? EDIT 2: In order not to complain too much: I do love the soundtrack and the general art direction, though. Especially the environments. The architecture in Torigoth is amazing, and those golden, glowing raspberry type things that serve as lanterns in the dark are gorgeous. Despite being so disappointed with the game overall I'm very happy that I got my art book. |
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