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Metroid: Fusion Discussion (Nintendo Game Boy Advance) [game]
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Welcome to the official discussion thread for Metroid: Fusion on the GBA!
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03/02/16, 03:50 Edited: 03/02/16, 03:50
After Zero Mission, I figured I'd play the other GBA Metroid. Thanks for the recommendations, everybody!
Going from Zero Mission to Fusion feels like a step down in almost every way. This is to be expected since Fusion came first, but I wasn't expecting the gulf between the two titles to be as big as it is. Zero Mission does practically everything better. That isn't a condemnation of Fusion- rather, it's an testament to Zero Mission's quality. Metroid Fusion is a solid title, with its high points and low points.
My least favorite thing about the game is how restricted it feels. The game's world is sizable, but instead of freely exploring a hostile environment (or at least maintaining the illusion that you are), Fusion has you taking a guided tour in which you follow the orders of a computer. This, combined with the poorer level design, makes the gameplay feel less rewarding or engaging.
My favorite part was the late-game twist. I'm fairly familiar with major events in the Metroid timeline thanks to Nintendo Power, so the revelation wasn't lost on me.
I'll probably play Metroid Prime next after I get through some other games on my backlog. Plus, Metroid 2 still has my attention for some reason. I look forward to both. |
I liked the reveal that the federation was doing Metroid experiments of their own. It's like...oh no, they're back! You'd think that this was going to be a plot device to fuel the next game, but they never followed up on it. Metroid 5 could have a completely different context from the old games. Samus can't trust the good guys anymore. She can't trust the bad guys. What does she do from there?
I also thought they could've easily done some sort of spinoff due to the fact that Samus' body all of a sudden was part Metroid. They could've went all Batman Beyond and had some daughter of hers, FAR in the future, that had abilities of a Metroid and a human. It would be unlinked from the original games for the most part, so nothing would be ruined or anything. Her name could even still be Samus for all I care. Metroid: The Next Generation.
What's a shame (OTHER M SPOILERS AHEAD) is that the Metroid reveal in Fusion seems to be redundant now that Other M basically did the same schtick. I think I read that the Bottle Ship wasn't really officially the Federation, but rather a rogue subsect of the Federation's R&D or something like that, but it's like, come on. Other M already had way too many similarities to Fusion, and then they use the same reveal, creating almost zero impact on the player. But I guess that's that game's story in a nutshell anyway. |
Fusion is my favorite game of all time, I like it much better than Zero Mission, I prefer Fusion's creepy atmosphere and tone over the comic-book stylings of Zero Mission (which I found totally inappropriate for the series).
I get the criticism that it feels a bit hand-holdy and linear in the way it's structured, but I don't see this as a major flaw because it was designed to be a handheld game played in short spurts, my first playthough of this game was on my commutes and stolen minutes at work, having Adam there to remind me of what I was doing, and having the levels broken down into digestible chunks made the game super playable and enjoyable.
Since the I've played the game through probably a dozen times, sometimes in 1 or 2 long sittings, and when played that way it does seem a little linear, I still don't mind though, I love Metroid on NES which is the least linear feeling, but I kinda appreciate how Fusion is just so damn tight. It's a short game but it's packed with content, the length isn't extended by long periods of traversal or getting lost. |
I watched an interview with Trey Parker once where he said that good storytelling uses the words "because" and "therefore," whereas bad storytelling is just a bunch of "and then, and then, and then..."
...Metroid Fusion is a ton of "and then"! The problem isn't that the game is linear—every Metroid game is linear if you listen to what the game is cluing you into—but that it's so bland. It's four hours of being told that there's an alien to go kill, hunting for the right sequence of tiles to bomb to reach the boss chamber, beating the boss, and repeating. Maybe it's the environments or the music or something, but this game just does not resonate with me at all. It's like tofu.
Also: I don't understand why so many people found Metroid Dread to be so much harder than every other Metroid game. Maybe it's just me, but these other 2D Metroid games have enemy movement patterns that seem impossible to predict and counter. Beating bosses in Dread felt just as straightforward as playing Punch-Out, but Fusion is more like an RPG where taking damage is just part of the battle and you have to grind out enough missiles fast enough. This might not be literally true, with you 1% challenge victors, but I don't understand how anyone can think that any of the bosses in Dread are as hard as the plant boss in this game.
And the SA-X is barely even in it! |
Secret_Tunnel said: Also: I don't understand why so many people found Metroid Dread to be so much harder than every other Metroid game. Maybe it's just me, but these other 2D Metroid games have enemy movement patterns that seem impossible to predict and counter. Beating bosses in Dread felt just as straightforward as playing Punch-Out, but Fusion is more like an RPG where taking damage is just part of the battle and you have to grind out enough missiles fast enough. This might not be literally true, with you 1% challenge victors, but I don't understand how anyone can think that any of the bosses in Dread are as hard as the plant boss in this game.
And the SA-X is barely even in it!
100%! Fusion is a battle of attrition. You WILL get hit. Dread's pattern recognition bosses are so on point. Every death I had in Dread felt completely fair. I got hit because I screwed up, not because the boss spammed me with nigh-on un-dodgeable attacks. Mastering those patterns was incredibly satisfying. Finally defeating Raven Beak with barely a scratch? Amazing.The only thing I can think of with regards to the complaints is that the margin for error is a lot lower. In Fusion, you WILL get hit, therefore what you get hit by doesn't hurt you as much proportionally as compared to combat in Dread. There, if you get hit by a boss, it WILL hurt. It makes for a very high-risk, dodge-or-die form of combat that I guess some people just don't have the patience for. |
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