I'm pretty curious actually, people are pushing for these three games but I wonder if they are all desired equally or if one or two are more desired than the other(s)?
I'd give the other 2 a fair chance though I'm not a fan of those gameplay styles but Last Story is the only one I'd definitely buy and play for obvious reasons (Mistwalker, Sakaguchi).
To be fair, I don't know much about it, and Last Story would've been an "auto-buy" for me anyways. The chick in the trailer has a nice back, too.
I know nothing about Pandora's Tower, but the boxart makes me think of watching Cammy fight in Super Street Fighter II for the first time as a young boy..
I thought they were both action RPGs? Shows how much I've been following them... but I tend to do that with games I'd most likely pick up but neither are coming here now so The Last Story is the one that interests me the most though, followed closely by Xenoblade. I don't really know enough about Pandora's Tower since it's usually not one of my favorite genres.
I'm a Xeno nut. Xenogears is in my top 5 games. Probably the one game I can say really impacted the way I think. Means so much to me and why I am one of the forerunners of Rainfall.
As for the game itself the exploration looks absolutely top notch. Probably the most epic world ever. Then the combat is very in-depth and clever but intuitive and simple. It's more MMORPG than FFXII and I feel that isn't recognized enough. And I don't think the story will be Gears quality... Probably somewhere in between that and Saga. But it allegedly does away with the standard RPG story tropes and I fully expect to enjoy it.
But I really want the other 2 as well, for sure. Very excited for all 3. Even if I most likely will be forced to import.