A Nintendo community
by the fans!
Posted: 04/25/10, 19:16 by 
Most of you probably play games for the gameplay (that seems like a tautology). But which games have created worlds that really stuck with you, from an aesthetic perspective (graphics, music)? Which titles have presented the most interesting, memorable, cohesive backdrops for the action? (It's actually astoundingly rare that a title impresses me on these merits.) (more)
Posted: 04/25/10, 19:07 by 
I'm kind of love-it-or-hate-it with boss battles, honestly. I'm more of a 'level' guy, myself. I prefer maneuvering through deadly obstacle courses. Still, a good boss is a bracing, exciting experience. The best boss is probably one that pushes you pretty hard, but only takes a couple of tries to beat, while being somewhat superficially impressive. What have been your favorite boss battles over the years?.. (more)
Posted: 04/25/10, 00:51 by 
Okay, I just saw this on Kotaku, and started reading the comments... and man... some people just don't understand! D: (more)
Posted: 04/19/10, 17:45 by 
Are there any exceptions?.. (more)
Posted: 04/16/10, 04:49 by 
Say what you will about porn, but some of those parody titles are pretty darn funny. Can you think of any good names for pornographic gaming parodies?.. (more)
Posted: 04/14/10, 22:18 by 
Yesterday, my friend showed me a game available on Steam called 'Simplz Zoo' because he thought it might interest me since I have a love of management sims and animals... (more)
Posted: 04/09/10, 20:33 by 
Let's list off some games that could have, or should have been great but for one reason or another they fell short... (more)
Posted: 04/04/10, 18:30 by 
Not in a horror movie way, but in a drarma way. (Well, you can list games that have any kind of emotional effect, but I'm more interested in games that can actually touch your heart in some way.) I'm actually the sappiest, easiest target for human drama in almost any form. Any form except games, that is. They leave my perennially moistened eyes absolutely dry. I don't know if it's the form or the execution, but, yeah. They just don't do it for me. Let me try to think of some exceptions... Super Metroid, I guess. I don't know if was emotional, but Drakengard and Shadow of Destiny kind of resonated with me, somehow. The end of Conker was bizarrely moving, in a totally unearned way... (more)
Posted: 04/04/10, 18:23 by 
Or some combination? (Or do you not even care?) (more)
Posted: 03/19/10, 19:36 by 
Though the tech may be interesting, and one day, someone will make a playable ghost-hunting game (with a PK Meter!), I'm not convinced that a great game will ever be born from it... (more)
Posted: 03/11/10, 21:42 by 
Sony announced the official name at GDC earlier... (more)
Posted: 02/20/10, 17:29 by 
For how long?.. (more)