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Posted: 04/12/24, 20:02 by 
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Posted: 04/10/24, 00:35 by 
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Posted: 03/29/24, 05:12 by 
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Posted: 03/21/24, 19:03 by 
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Posted: 03/22/24, 05:39 by 
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Posted: 02/14/24, 02:35 by 
Before we get started, I want to clarify to anyone who has stumbled upon our GOTY awards that we are a Nintendo-focused site, and our awards reflect that. This doesn’t mean that we don’t love and play games on other platforms, but for the sake of these awards we stick to games that appear on Nintendo platforms only... (more)
Posted: 02/23/24, 01:50 by 
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Posted: 02/09/24, 23:07 by 
Welp. You know from my last list which Mega Man classic series robot masters I would like to live with, so now it's time to find out which ones I would definitely not want to live with. Yeah, it's basically the same idea from the other side. I was planning on doing them both one right after the other but I got busy. Sue me... (more)
Posted: 02/03/24, 23:39 by 
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Posted: 01/25/24, 05:21 by 
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