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Disappointments in gaming [roundtable]
I'm playing Devil May Cry 2 right now and it's a pretty horrible game. I'd stop playing it but I want to finish it at least once and be done with it, since I want to play the entire Devil May Cry saga. The graphics are boring and so is the gameplay. The music is lazy and can hardly be heard over the guns. The story? What story? It's just some cutscenes interconnected in between boring easy battles. This game is pretty disappointing, especially after having played Devil May Cry 1 immediately before.

What are some of your gaming disappointments?

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04/04/13, 06:48  
Why not sign up for a (free) account?
My last one was Starhawk.
04/05/13, 01:36   
Oh man, really? Warhawk was soooo good, in my mind one of the most tragically underrated games of all time.
04/05/13, 02:10   
I won't be getting into the reasons, but, Super Smash Brothers Brawl is easily the most disappointing game I have ever played by far. Nothing else comes remotely close.

Beyond that, nothing else is really coming to mind right now. I'd probably have to go back a ways before I could think of another game, as the information age of the Internet makes it a lot easier to avoid disappointing games. There were some games where I was disappointed how they turned out, like Conduit 2, but, I found out about that before I bought them, and didn't get them until they were super cheap. I'm more disappointed in wider things rather than something specific. For example, I'm disappointed that the Wii didn't get more shooters, or that turn-based RPGs and other kinds of RPGs I like are few and far between these days. Oh, and that Mario is pretty much the only 3D platformer.

After looking through the thread, I agree with some of the games others have said.

I was slightly disappointed in Super Mario 3D Land. I enjoyed it, but, my main problem is that it's pretty short. The special worlds were a lame way of making up for the brevity of the main worlds. There are also too many reused graphics and music from the Galaxy games.

Zelda Majora's Mask is another. Though I didn't get this until years later because the structure and theme didn't appeal to me at all. When I finally played it, my worries were confirmed.

Zelda: The Wind Waker was also slightly disappointing, mostly due to being relatively short and having some tedious padding to cover it up. I still did enjoy this game though, whereas I didn't really like Majora's Mask.

I don't know if Okami would count as disappointing since I kind of had a feeling the game would be mediocre. Artsy games like this tend to get overblown, and unfortunately, that's the case with Okami.

Chrono Cross was a disgrace. I liked the battles and the element system, but that's about it.
04/05/13, 03:00   

You're putting words in my mouth. Like, a whole fucking typewriter.

EDIT: I don't have the energy to fight you. I'd just like to point out that I never called anyone a fanboy, never denied that other factors might come into play for why people are disappointed in popular games and I never told anyone they had to like the Beatles. (Except Zero, because he's just being an iconoclastic punk and I'm sure he'll let me get away with calling him that.)

I don't pretend to know precisely why any individual likes or doesn't like anything. Of course I don't. But I do think brand loyalty is a factor in a lot of decisions we make about games - especially when it comes to decisions that were made back when we were all snot-nosed kids who had nothing better to do than fight over which multi-billion dollar video game company was better.

If you see that as attacking your self-determination to decide what you like and don't like, I'm sorry. I never intended it that way.
04/05/13, 03:20   
Edited: 04/05/13, 03:29
Help me understand what you meant, then. Because what I'm reading is that if we are down on Halo, or FF7, etc., it's because we're butthurt. Is there another way of interpreting this?
04/05/13, 03:23   
Yoshi's Story for sure. I eventually got into its score attack nature and enjoyed it for what it was, but man what a disappointment.

As for recent games, definitely Paper Mario Sticker Star. I just have no drive to power through.
04/05/13, 03:28   
I don't have the energy. Forget it.
04/05/13, 03:30   
Reading your edit: you could always ask people. Hey guys, do you think maybe this thing here is influencing your judgment? Instead of going instantly for the sarcasm.
04/05/13, 03:33   
I think Kris could very well be right. Had FF7 come out on the N64, I'm sure a lot more Nintendo fans would have fondness for it. That being said, that's not what happened, and people missed the boat on it. It's the kind of game that hasn't held up in every way, so naturally people might not get the impact. Maybe they wouldn't have even liked it back in the day.

I played Symphony of the Night years later, and I felt unimpressed, because I had already played so many other Metroidvania games. I didn't really get the big deal, to be honest with you. I thought that Super Metroid did things way better.
04/05/13, 03:35   

Hey, if it needs to be said: I love you guys. I never mean to insult you or use biting sarcasm to hurt your feelings. 95% of the crap I say on this forum is silly and not meant to be taken seriously. I'd hoped you guys would know that about me by now. Come on. I'm Kris!
04/05/13, 03:39   
@kriswright So does this mean you don't actually think I hate Sega, then?
04/05/13, 03:42   
@Mop it up

04/05/13, 03:49   

Final Fantasy 2, 3 and 5 were also denied to these Nintendo fans.

It's clear that nostalgia, brand loyalty, access, age, video game experience, the side of bed you wake up on, etc. are all twines in the tangled ball of our video game preferences. I'm sure there are people out there who hold a grudge against Final Fantasy 7 because it didn't come to Nintendo consoles. Maybe some don't even know it. But, even an individual who is lying to himself remains the best source of information we've got for what goes on in his head. We have, at the very best, merely circumstantial evidence.

So when someone is telling you the reasons they are disappointed with a game, it's pretty rude to announce that you know the real reason. It's not an egregious sin, but I think we could all do without it.
04/05/13, 03:58   
Edited: 04/05/13, 03:59
@Mop it up


I did a thread asking people their 10 Must have Wii Games and to me, Brawl was an important part of my collection - Not that it was the best game ever, but a great game for fans etc.. and not a bad fighter. I asked if there was any objections and you peeped in saying that you did have some issues but you kindly said that it was not the thread to do this in...

So now I'm calling you on it.

Do you hate the game? Or are you just dissapointed in it because it didn't live up to the hype? To me, I enjoyed the characters/stages more then Melee - Stage creation was ok and online was..well you know what online was. *spits*. I'm not that much of a diehard videogame fighter to be too nitpicky about the mechanics of the gameplay for a Smash game but maybe you can shed some light in this thread your opinion...
04/05/13, 04:01   
I'm sorry, Kris. I just go nuts whenever this particular thing happens on video game boards. It's the main reason why I left IGN. And I hate it for the reasons Jargon explained.
04/05/13, 04:02   
On my Final Fantasy flowchart, the games I played in order were Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, Final Fantasy VII. I also played Final Fantasy VIII, and spent most of the game collecting cards.

I didn't know about any of the twists in VII until they happened, and I still don't know what happened at the absolute end of the game. I find it to be leagues below Final Fantasy III/"VI" in terms of quality in every regard, though I guess VII wins on "use of FMV.." because there is freakin' TONS of it. I feel like text-based stuff works better, actually (and yes, THE IRONY, I hate to read) than video w/o dialogue. I also didn't care for the blockiness of everything, and Tifa's massive chest bouncing (again, THE IRONY), and the pixel HELL that any and all random encounters were.

I don't know what else to say here. It has nothing to do with the system's company.

If someone wants to pull up "if it was on N64" in right here (saw it mentioned earlier), note that I'm a huge fan of Tecmo Bowl and Tecmo Super Bowl on NES/SNES, and I was BEYOND EXCITED for Quarterback Club '98 on N64, and it is garbola (though Final Fantasy VII would've been less pixely on the N64, yeah? But Tifa's boobs would probably be rounder or something). Give me sprites any day of the week. Can a step forward be three steps back? Absolutely.
04/05/13, 04:08   
You didn't like chest bouncing?!

Ok who are you and what have you done with Mustache!!
04/05/13, 04:09   

That isn't Final Fantasy, just like Final Fantasy isn't someone on American Idol.

(And I haven't played this game at all, so please tell me how wrong I am and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah)

The only singing I like is Celes at the Opera. Touching (and interactive!! A GAME YOU PLAY: INCREDIBLE).
04/05/13, 04:17   
@Smerd Nah, I don't hate SSBBrawl, I just thought it was a terrible sequel. I managed to avoid the hype train so that wasn't a factor (I didn't use the Internet very much back then, in fact). Simply put, I just didn't like the direction they took. Didn't like the new character moves and physics, didn't like the stages, didn't like the art style, didn't like all the useless fluff, etc. If the first two games didn't exist then I would have liked it.
04/05/13, 04:24   

Looks like we all have some things that set us off the deep end..

@Mop it up

Ah..cool. What direction would you like the WiiU version to take - are you afraid it's going to be more of the same? (ie: like Brawl?)
04/05/13, 04:27   
Edited: 04/05/13, 04:32
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