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Buying a used Wii U will allow you to get free games...through a massive oversight
Want to save some money by buying a previously owned Wii U? Well saving money on the machine isn't the only place you'll save! According to NeoGAF user DSN2K, any games that the previous owner bought and downloaded are available to be downloaded again free of charge, even after wiping the memory and user account before the user returns the console to the store; it would seem that downloadable games are tied to the system, rather than accounts.

Nintendo, get your online shit together! Japan is affectionately called the country of the future for a reason, full of super smart people that make some crazy technology, and you let this slip your mind? Between the accounts being tied to the system, the ridiculous 100 friends limit just because it seems that's what Microsoft did, save profiles not being tied to accounts, and now this, it's clear that Nintendo still does not get online gaming, and still has quite a ways to go.

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01/05/13, 06:01  
I think Ninsage's argument is more along the lines of "you have to accept imperfections if you want to enjoy something" or whatever. Which is definitely a legitimate argument if someone buys something and instead of enjoying it just sits around complaining how much they regret buying it. Like for instance... half of the people who hung out on the GCNGB / WiiGB. Or even if they don't buy it. Whatever. I dunno, it kind of makes for shitty message board conversations in the long run, too. Because when people are enjoying a product there are always new things for them to talk, because they're actively engaging in it, playing new games, trying new features, whatever. But when they're not, they tend to complain about the same few things over and over the entire generation. I mean really, what can you add to current discussions if "my Wii has been collecting dust since Super Mario Galaxy" is your current status?

There is kind of a context too involving Nintendo and online, like, they're not really "throwing out" things because they never had those things to begin with. They're just slow when it comes to adopting standards. Very, very slow. And we all know that, right? It might be "stupid" or something but anyway who expecting anything different has not been following Nintendo for the last ten years. Actually, it's more of a surprise to me that they're leading in some small ways now (I guarantee Sony / MS will copy Miiverse, and indie devs are saying Nintendo's eShop approach does some things Sony's and Microsoft's don't) whereas the last two generations they were just way, way behind on everything.

Basically the way I see it, as a message board owner, is that there is a big difference between "legitimate beef with Nintendo" and "legitimate beef with Nintendo that never goes away and kills message boards", the latter being what happened at IGN and is precisely what we wanted to get away from. I'm not saying we're at the point of the second one now, I'm just saying that there is a difference. This place was created to get away from those message board killing arguments.
01/06/13, 23:01   
I'd say it's the fault of someone trading in their Wii U, that they didn't take care of their licenses (if they even knew about how Nintendo accounts worked).

Problems like these are fixed pretty quickly though. The person owning the account will call in saying "I'd like to download my games on my new Wii U" if he just traded a faulty system in for a working one, Nintendo will issue a recall on the old one, and replace it for free for its new owner.
01/06/13, 23:48   
Zero said:
I think Ninsage's argument is more along the lines of "you have to accept imperfections if you want to enjoy something" or whatever. Which is definitely a legitimate argument if someone buys something and instead of enjoying it just sits around complaining how much they regret buying it.

Do not ever suggest to me that I should be happy with something that is so incredibly stupid because "it makes for poor conversation." You know what makes for poor conversation? Anybody making excuses for this idiocy. You're a consumer, you paid good money, Nintendo has shown a complete lack of respect for you. You accept it and want people to be happy about it? IN A THREAD ABOUT WII U OVERSIGHTS? Jesus, dude.
01/07/13, 02:25   
So was there a follow up article?

Did anyone complain about getting free games?

Did Nintendo post a statement saying that the person getting the free games will be punished, or y'know, something to actually complain about?

Did the person trading in their system complain about not having deleted his eShop account on the old system so that he can download the games on a new system?

No? Everyone's happy? Okay then.
01/07/13, 23:42   
When I sold my PS3 I got a nice premium for the 15 or so PSN games on my account. The seller should have advertised as such.
01/08/13, 00:04   
@Xbob42 I didn't say you have to be happy about it, I'm just saying that at a certain point, maybe not quite yet, but definitely in the near future, it's going to get really, really old hearing about how much better Steam is than the Wii U eShop (and everything else) all the time around here.
01/08/13, 01:28   
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