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Retro Game Club Discussion Thread - 08 - Actraiser [community]

People who have committed to finish this game:
@CPA Wei

People not allowed to participate:

Your word is your bond...

If the final score shows up at the end of the game, potential leaderboards for those who complete the game!

Add the game to your collection, start it, and discuss your experience!

List of Awesome
@Guillaume Score: 165,610
@sirmastersephiroth Score: 142,250
@X-pert74 Score: 165,240

List of Awesomer
(People who have beaten Professional Mode)

URL to share (right click and copy)
02/04/12, 07:50    Edited: 03/26/12, 00:20

(I didn't even know that there WAS a professional mode...)
02/13/12, 06:59   
Aitos is REALLY annoying. I keep getting hit and falling down pits. Ugggh.

Edit: Finally beat that one, but I abused the projectile powerup (which I didn't know existed?). Maybe I'm playing on too easy of a mode? I think I read that this powerup was not in the harder difficulty.

Anyway, I don't know what to think about this game. I don't think the action/platforming is very fun. Castlevania is stiff, yeah, but I don't feel like it's as unfair with enemy placements and things like that. I feel like there are characters that I get hurt by EVERY time because the range of their weapon is crazy, or they're standing in the one place that I need to be. I feel like I can work my way around Castlevania and get through areas without harm. Here, at times I'm just pulling a "Mega Man" and taking hits until I find the next heart. Maybe I just suck at it but I think it's pretty clumsy.

The sim stages were really fun at first...but every sim stage just starts feeling the same. Instead of desert though, it might be snow that blocks your way. And I JUST found out how to speed the text up today (DUHHHH JAMIE), so the rest of the game is taking forever. Even with the text skipping though, I feel like I do a lot of waiting around, especially when I use up "turns" to redirect the villagers to build somewhere else.

I'm going through Maharna (sp?) right now. I've maxed out Filmore, and Bloodpool has a pretty high score on it as well, and the others are just kind of "normal" I think. Since I figured out how to use magic, bosses have hardly posed a threat. Getting TO them can be annoying though.

I suppose I'll finish the game, but I won't lie, I feel like I've already seen everything the game has to offer, and I'm much less excited to finish the game than I was when I started.

And yes, the music has been very good so far. It's unfortunate that the best song in the game is probably the first level. Everything else is high quality but it's not exactly memorable to me. All I can think about is Illusion of Gaia too, but I guess that's not surprising since this was the same developer (which I had no idea about...I always assumed this was a Squaresoft game for years). Quintet really has a thing with making a game about "restoring the different continents of the world" or whatever. I mean, I like their games, but man, every game they've ever done has a very similar theme. Very interesting.
02/16/12, 02:37   
Edited: 02/16/12, 07:33
874 Fillmore
858 Bloodpool
874 Kasandora
754 Aitos (which I did before I even stepped foot in Kasandora, mehr)
538 Marahna
650 Northwall
4548 (everything MAX'd out, Earthquakes galore)

6920 was my score on the Death Heim deal. Blech. (Where do you see the big score?)

I do feel a bit of regret though, knowing that those people will on longer depend on us..

--Did I just hear Star Wars music?? And why do games freeze on the End screen? Let me know its overrr!
02/16/12, 11:36   
Act 2 of Northwall, I believe it was, really reminded me of Star Wars. The snow reminded me of Hoth to begin with, and then the epic orchestra music seemed very John Williams-ish at times, haha.

It took me a while to even realize that I could go to other areas of the game in different orders. I started going back and forth between areas to help myself level up.

I don't know if I like that aspect of the game or not. On the one hand, I enjoy the 'non-linearity' of it. On the other hand, because of the amount of leveling up I'm doing, I really don't have any discernible way to judge the difficulty of the game. I wonder if that makes sense.
02/16/12, 19:20   

Its weird. I think the game is really difficult sometimes, and then other times I'm like "oh, I can just slash and slash at the Boss, and I don't have to worry about dying." Its goofy in that regard.

I WILL tell you that it took me two full stock of lives in order to beat the game, and I had ONE bar of life left on my last guy when I dropped final dude. SCARY.
02/16/12, 22:38   
@Mr_Mustache Well part of that comes from leveling up I think. That and abusing the magic powers. I had a really tough time with a boss, came back a level or two later, and just fireballed the shit out of him and I was not even close to dying.
02/17/12, 01:18   

Hmm. How far are you? You'll probably finish it in your next outing.

Know that some spells give you "bonuses" on where you cast it. I just thought that you'd get the same damage whatever you did, but the 4th spell; if you cast it right under folks, you'll do a LOT more damage. I didn't expect that, and was actually surprised when it happened.

And the "Star Wars music" I heard was right before the credits. Maybe it was the Lucasfilm opening stuff.

From 12 seconds on..
02/17/12, 01:50   
Heard this on the podcast and have it on my VC. For those of you who beat it how long to beat? if its 20 or under I may join in this late (if not I'll prob grab fire emblem)
02/17/12, 01:53   

Under 20 hours?? Its like, under 5 hours.

EDIT- To clarify, I had played one night prior doing just the first two areas. Last night I threw it back on around 12:30, and I had it beat by the time I posted in here. So yeah, about 5, maybe 6 hours.

And by "grab Fire Emblem," do you mean "Play in the Path of Radiance Club," or do you mean "play Sacred Stones on the 3DS?"
02/17/12, 01:54   
Edited: 02/17/12, 01:55
5 hours I'm in. I think i invested way to much time in this game when I owned it on SNES.

Path of Radiance club. I may jump on board PoR C this pay (tomorrow) or two weeks from fri. I found a local GS that carries it.
02/17/12, 02:03   
I scored and "status'd" ActRaiser last night. What would dictate at "100%'d" condition?
I MAX'd my towns, but didn't do any Professional Mode or anything like that.

--And Gui, I'm Awesome, where are you?


Oh, awesome. Well, we start Sunday..this Sunday. Get it as soon as you can so you don't fall behind. Hit the thread next chance you get and let us know. I don't think you did Okami Club? Those ones work a little differently than RGC's. They "require" patience, direct interaction with others, and "hard work." Just stay on schedule, you'll be fine.

As for ActRaiser; yeah, you can get it done well before Sunday if you started it today.
02/17/12, 02:57   
Right now I'm kind of stuck, but what I think I'm going to do is play through the level again with the Shooting Star magic spell.

I'm at a point where I can't get this one city to progress because they need Herbs. One of my areas HAS herbs, but I can't get it as an offering because the people want me to fight monsters. And for some reason I can't get Bloodpool to progress any further. Maybe I'm missing something there? It's stuck in a "slow" status.

It's annoying because I'm 10 population points from going to the next level, and I can't seem to get any of the cities to grow at all.
02/17/12, 03:29   

So yeah, go fight those Monsters in the Herb area next. Its ok.

Did you do that Earthquake stuff? You can wreck your towns and they'll rebuild structures at the highest level.
Just make sure they Lv3 before you do that.
02/17/12, 04:05   
Oh I didn't know that. I'll have to try it.

I'm on Death Heim now. Fillmore is at Max but everything else is at "slow." Is this because I didn't do well enough in the action stages?

Edit: Yeah I'm just majorly stuck now. Everything's maxed out and I can never get past the boss that flies around in the snow. Usually I'll die to the one before that (with the spiky platforms that fall). I have the cities maxed out but still, this is tough!
02/17/12, 04:35   
Edited: 02/17/12, 05:25

Your score for the action stages should be under "Status of Master" in the menu


There's at least one thing in each city you have failed to do, then. Did you share music, a compass, a bridge, corn, etc.?
02/17/12, 07:02   
Edited: 02/17/12, 07:09
It says that there's 1 "item" left in Bloodpool but I have nothing left there I can do. I shared music with the places that needed it, gave herbs to the city dying of the plague, etc. Everyone seems to be pretty happy.
02/17/12, 07:15   

That one item in Bloodpool is always wheat (I don't know why I said corn earlier). Have all of the fields everywhere been upgraded to wheat? If not, use wheat on at least one field, and then Earthquake, and when the fields are rebuilt, they'll all be upgraded.
02/17/12, 07:20   
Edited: 02/17/12, 07:21
Yeah it was wheat. But all the fields in Bloodpool are wheat. Should I just go to another area and find a cornfield if there is one out there?
02/17/12, 07:23   
You bring the wheat from Bloodpool to the other cities. Take their offering, wheat, and use it in a field in another city. Use earthquake, and all of the fields except the wheat one will be destroyed. When they are re-built, they will be wheat.

Do this for every city that has fields. Bloodpool always has an offering of wheat waiting for you.
02/17/12, 07:31   
I've done that though. Every city says "Max" and every field is wheat...yet my health bar is still two dots lower than the boss' health bar. Shouldn't it be equal? My exp is 4556 with my next level at 4600. But I have absolutely no idea what else I need to do. I've Earthquaked every area, and I feel like they're all built up as far as they can go.
02/17/12, 07:35   
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