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Cursed Castilla EX Discussion (Nintendo 3DS) [game]
8.5/10 from one rating |
Welcome to the official discussion thread for Cursed Castilla EX on the 3DS!
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Have you guys played this game? It's a roguelike with a twist - the levels are designed by hand, and there's NO permadeath! J/K, Cursed Castilla has actually created a brand-new genre: the Makaimura-like! Imagine Ghosts'n'Goblins (Makaimura), but fair. Sort of fair. There are still some maddening bits, but you can continue indefinitely, although your score resets every time. The enemies are varied, the retro presentation is nice, and the 3DS version makes it seem like you're playing on an arcade cabinet. In 3D. Cool! This is an arcade game, through and through, and it actually has homages to many other games, as well, although you'd probably miss them if you weren't paying attention. Like the flaming devils that explode just like the birds in Phoenix. The attention to detail is very nice. A few of the sections had me swearing at my 3DS, but, overall, I'm enjoying the hell out of this game. It's a super-fun throwback to simpler, but more difficult times. If you have any fondness for the Ghosts'n'Goblins franchise, you should definitely pick up Cursed Castilla. The game does kind of teeter on that thin line between homage and ripoff, but Capcom doesn't seem interested in the franchise anymore, so whatever. URL to share (right click and copy)
07/18/17, 16:47 Edited: 07/19/17, 02:58
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