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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Discussion (Nintendo Wii U) [game]
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U on the Wii U
9.19/10 from 34 user ratings

Welcome to the official discussion thread for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U on the Wii U!

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Every new generation a great dawn emerges where a new game in the acclaimed Super Smash Bros. series graces Nintendo's newest consoles… for the Wii U, that time is almost upon us. Nintendo is truly pulling out all the stops with this one. Here's the breakdown on what we can expect… (Learn more at the Super Smash Bros. website.)

1.) 45+ playable characters (new characters, returning fighters, or accessible via alt costumes)
2.) Releasing November 21st, November 28th, or December 5th depending on your region
3.) Tons of content; from trophies to levels to music tracks to items to pokemon to modes… it seemingly never ends!
4.) Customizable Move-sets
5.) Many control setups; Wii U Gamepad, standard Wii U options, Gamecube controllers, even your 3DS!
6.) Online capable (and encouraged)
7.) Check out Nintendo's 50 Things You Should Know about Smash Bros!
8.) Stages exclusive to the Wii U version. Some epic stages!
9.) Amiibo Support for all existing Amiibos
10.) Gameplay lands somewhere between Melee and Brawl

As you can see, there really is something for everyone, perhaps more than ever before. As I wrote this whole post up, I was listening to the Super Smash Bros. Brawl soundtrack and remembering the hours and days and weeks and months of fun I've had with that game. This will be no different and really will shake the Wii U community up in the best ways. Nintendo is on the eve of quite possible the most acclaimed game the console will have. This is a very exciting moment for Nintendo gamers. Speaking back on the music, you can listen to a bunch of neat samples from the upcoming game at the SmashBros.com Music Page. Be sure to check out Kapp'n's Song! It's a personal favorite of mine. The 3DS version is to have two-songs per stage but the Wii U version is meant to have that and more, even some songs from past games as well.

Please enjoy a few of my favorite images found on the official Super Smash Bros. website.

The release date in North America is November 21st and it was just moved up to November 28th in Europe. For all other regions you can expect December 5th. In the mean time, there's always the 3DS version which looks incredible in it's own right! You can discuss it in Jargon's thread here; Super Smash Bros. 3DS. We should aim to keep this thread focused on the Wii U version so that the 3DS discussion ends up in it's right place. Keep in mind that the Daily Updates are still being provided by Sakurai (for a few more weeks at least) and the best place to find and discuss those is Stephen's Super Smash Bros. News Discussion (Roster Spoilers) Now With Daily Images thread. I do my best to update that daily with the Sakurai posts.

Who is your main? What are you most excited for? Finally, be sure to have your friends added on your Wii U! I'll do my best to keep this thread updated with the various users who are playing this online.

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: The Negative World Roster
NW User Name - Nintendo Network ID - Nickname

DrFinkelstein - a00link - Stephen
ploot - realploot - Pauloot
deathly_hallows - ch_rls - ????
Jargon - Hendrik - Hendrik
chrisguy - chrisguy - ????
Ludist210 - Ludist210 - Lewis
GameDadGrant - GameDadGrant - ????
anon_mastermind - Mastermind85 - ????
VofEscaflowne - VofEscaflowne - ????
kriswright - kriswright - ????
Cryojin - Cryojin - ????
TheOldManFromZelda - OldManFromZelda - ????
Smerd - Smerd20 - ????
achhibbar - achhibbar - ????
Mop it up - Mop_it_up - ????
TheBigG753 - TheBigG753 - Greggy
Cubed777 - C77777 - ????
nate38 - VictorVonPlugman - nate
kgtennispro - kgtennispro - Kenny
chrisbg99 - chrisbg99 - Chris
Brick - Brick20 - Brick
pokepal148 - pokepal148 - ????
PogueSquadron - PogueSquadron - Jamie
Super_Conzo - Super_Conzo - ????
Beardednerd - beardednerd - Dave

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09/15/14, 00:22    Edited: 01/14/15, 13:34
Why not sign up for a (free) account?

What, Nintendo's games aren't good enough for you? You have to make your OWN games?

What heresy is this? GTFO.
12/01/14, 07:46   
Please make sure to add me. Nintendo Network ID is PogueSquadron, name will show up as Jamie.
12/01/14, 08:15   
lol @ Mop It Up. Good game.

You got lucky though, I was playing with my friend before, and as a concession I was playing with random characters. Thats how you ened up facing me as peach and I had no idea what I was doing

Amazed it was close as it was actually. Peach sucks.
12/01/14, 11:00   
So I ended up getting this on Friday (digitally) thanks to some early Christmas money from my grandmother. This feels like a more complete Smash than the 3DS version did.

My nickname is Lewis.
12/01/14, 16:57   
Edited: 12/01/14, 16:57
I ended up spending 30 minutes last night getting the everliving shit punked out of me by a Jigglypuff. I mean he was really stunting on me, and I went 0/3 against him in Sudden Deaths, to boot. I got Rest TINGED too many times to count. GAH.

Also, and I know this is ridiculous of me because I'm the only person I know without a main, but it grinds my gears that people play with the same characters over and over. Yes, I'm playing For Glory, but shake it up, dammit. At least pick a different costume color. I can only beat your speedo wearing Shulk so many times before I get bored. Do something!

That said, I'm winning a little under 30% of my matches, and almost never finish last, which I never would have expected. I am not a good player. I assume this is just a volume / newness thing. But I won't complain!

I need to open my Amiibos, I haven't played with them.

The game overall is just great, lots and lots to do.

The only thing that sucks is the menu system, which is FUCKING TERRIBLE. Whoever decided to bury actual gameplay modes under Games & More > Vault needs to have their frigging head examined.
12/01/14, 19:06   
Edited: 12/01/14, 19:07
Kal-El814 said:
The only thing that sucks is the menu system, which is FUCKING TERRIBLE. Whoever decided to bury actual gameplay modes under Games & More > Vault needs to have their frigging head examined.

Agreed but at the same time it's like having an adventure game trying to find the mode you want!
12/01/14, 19:48   
Whoever had the bright idea to map the "Quit Match" function to L + R + A + Start on the Gamepad must have two right thumbs. I have to put my middle finger on R, my index finger on A, and my thumb on Start.

Speaking of, if it weren't for the danger of wearing out my control stick, I'd just stick with the Gamepad all the time. It's not quite as nice as the GCN controller, but it's not far from it.
12/01/14, 20:00   
Peach sucks?


I now need to play against you with the wonderfulness that is Princess Peach.
12/01/14, 20:15   
Edited: 12/01/14, 20:17

If it wasn't for the 3DS version, I wouldn't have known that Trophy Rush existed. And on the 3DS version, I wouldn't have known Trophy Rush existed until I saw a reference to it on the Challenge board. And then I had to Google it, because I assumed there's no way that it wouldn't be where the rest of the gameplay was.

The menus are just shockingly bad for Sakurai games, and some people seem to find this endearing. It's weird. :p


This, too. When I saw the prompt on the screen, I assumed it had to be a typo. I get making it more than one button press so you don't do it accidentally, but the one time I needed to do it, I used my tongue. Just when I thought the mic was the worst gameplay input device... :p
12/01/14, 20:35   

I'm still trying to find where I go for the photo mode with trophies. You know, position the trophies you have in a scene to take a pic. I tried to find it last night but after 2 minutes of navigating the menus I gave up. Its probably an option within the Trophies menu item but I just got flustered.
12/01/14, 20:40   

Just go to the trophy horde and check the bottom left corner of the GamePad. You have to use that to position them and such.
12/01/14, 20:47   

Thank you sir!
12/01/14, 20:52   

It's kinda funny. I use Link as my main normally, and on the weekend I was down at my local game store and there was someone ranting about the game. Apparently they were playing as Peach and could not land a hit against the opponent...who was Link .

I'm not quite sure exactly what the point of his rant was, something about the game being unbalanced or something? Kept complaining about his attempts to attack from above, only to run into Link's up smash repeatedly.

Sounded to me like the whining of someone who simply couldn't change up his tactics at all, but eh. He also spent a good portion of time trying to tell me why Ocarina was a bad game (Apparently it isn't Skyrim). So that tells you what I was dealing with .
12/01/14, 21:07   

Yeah, I've been destroyed by Peaches online. They can be scary with their obnoxious dair.
12/01/14, 21:20   
I played this one Peach in For Glory who always seemed to be floating at the perfect height to stay just out of range of my characters' ground attacks, then would either manage to hit with Dair or just drop in and smack me around. Or if I went in the air, they'd back off, wait til I hit the ground, and poke me on my landing lag perfectly every time. A good Peach is tough, always has been, always will be.
12/01/14, 21:26   
Edited: 12/01/14, 21:27
@Shadowlink Don't put yourself down, Peach is actually pretty good. It's Yoshi who sucks, I was only using him to see if it had an effect on the global Smash contest rating thing. I don't think it does in friend matches. I thought I had seen someone else in your room from the menu, so that explains that! I had tried to join you earlier and got an error message, I wasn't sure if it were a connection error or if you rejected my entry.

@Kal-El814 Nope, you're actually not alone! I don't have a "main" either, I like to use a wide variety of characters. That probably means I'll never be able to use a character as well as someone who has a main, but whatever, I'm not a competitive player anyway.

The word I hear is that Sakurai's wife designed the menus, which probably explains why they feel like they were made by someone who's never played a videogame before. That's also probably why some people find them endearing.
12/01/14, 21:28   
You guys might have discussed this earlier, but: How does the 3DS connectivity work? Does it just allow you to use it as a controller or is there more to it?

This is the kind of stuff I should be updated on, I guess.
12/01/14, 21:29   
nate38 said:
I played this one Peach in For Glory who always seemed to be floating at the perfect height to stay just out of range of my characters' ground attacks, then would either manage to hit with Dair or just drop in and smack me around. Or if I went in the air, they'd back off, wait til I hit the ground, and poke me on my landing lag perfectly every time. A good Peach is tough, always has been, always will be.
I think you played against my good friend, he does exactly this and he has got my number more often than not.

Mop it up said:
@Shadowlink It's Yoshi who sucks
How dare you.
12/01/14, 21:32   
@Mop it up

Yeah, my friend has something weird going on. He can't join anyone except me?

Then when he left for a second, you joined...and he couldn't rejoin without an error.

I wondered why you left

Maybe he has to add NW people. I'll talk to him.
12/01/14, 21:43   
I have a group of 10-12 characters I like to use, and Peach is in my top three. She's a force, mannnn.

@Mop it up
Yoshi in the right hands is something to be feared.
I'm not a Yoshi user, but man oh man, have I been beaten up a few times by competent Yoshis.
12/01/14, 21:47   
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