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Which version/s of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild do you have? [poll]
Switch  (19/29 votes)
Wii U  (8/29 votes)
Both  (1/29 vote)
None but getting Switch eventually  (1/29 vote)
None but getting Wii U eventually  (0/29 votes)
None but getting both eventually  (0/29 votes)
I am a loser who hates fun  (0/29 votes)
Uh, if you only have one version but plan to get the other eventually I guess just vote for both.

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03/07/17, 23:38  

Oh. That's not an option. Boo.
03/07/17, 23:42   
I have the Ocarina of Time version.
03/07/17, 23:45   
I AM a loser, and often hate fun, but I have the Switch version because even this fun-hating loser understands that BotW is not something to be missed.
03/07/17, 23:52   
Switch. The Wii U version doesn't exist in my world
03/08/17, 00:04   
03/08/17, 00:05   
mrbiggsly said:
Switch. The Wii U version doesn't exist in my world
Yep. Twilight Princess all over again for me in that respect.
03/08/17, 00:47   
03/08/17, 01:31   
Switch baby!
03/08/17, 01:35   
Switch, obvs.


Can you explain this to me? I don't get the allure. I'm not being snarky.
03/08/17, 01:50   
@Mr_Mustache My random guess would be kids get to play the Wii U version Grant gets to play the Switch version then both can play at once without fighting over it.
03/08/17, 01:58   

What about the joy of watching your kid play something, and help them with it?

Lou said he was almost moved to tears watching his kid play Super Mario World, and I'm VERY happy for him.
I can't imagine Lou thinking "Mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, I wish I was playing right now!!"

So that can't be it.
03/08/17, 01:59   

Clearly by having two versions, he can set them up on two adjacent TV's and play them simultaneously.

With some insane controller coordination, correct body placement and the effort required to maintain a state of perpetual cross-eyed-ness, Grant replicates the capabilities of the 3DS and immerses himself in a fully 3D Hyrule that Carlos can only dream of.
03/08/17, 02:07   
@Mr_Mustache I mean that's one joy. Not getting interrupted while playing Zelda is another joy though. LIFE BALANCE.
03/08/17, 02:10   

That doesn't make any sense. And its fake. Where is a real answer?
It sounds more like "I wasted 60 dollars." I feel bad for the guy.

Zero said:
@Mr_MustacheNot getting interrupted while playing Zelda is another joy though.

03/08/17, 02:29   
I don't own a Switch yet and I refuse to settle for the inferior Wii U version.
03/08/17, 02:29   
Wii U


You go with what you want - But I for one don't think the Wii U version should be knocked as much as it is by some - it's technically inferior, yes, but I don't believe it plays any less well than the switch. Unless you clearly want to play this game on the go and not on the big screen. For me, this game demands the big screen. Paying over $20 for this game for me at the present moment, trumps shelling out over $550 CDN (inc tax) for a new system and the same game.
I hope you play this game soon - whatever version you settle for.
03/08/17, 03:24   
@Mr_Mustache He is playing... on his own copy!

...in the Grant scenario I made up in my mind which may or may not even be true.
03/08/17, 04:24   
Zero said:
@Mr_Mustache He is playing... on his own copy!

...in the Grant scenario I made up in my mind which may or may not even be true.

Sounds like Viral Deception.
03/08/17, 23:58   
I have the Switch version, but am considering getting the Wii U version.... since I don't have a Switch lol.
03/09/17, 00:48   
@deathly_hallows One of my coworkers told me he bought it for the Switch but doesn't have a Switch as well. He just wanted motivation to get himself a Switch, lol.
03/09/17, 01:06   
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