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Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Discussion (Nintendo 3DS) [game]
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS
9.05/10 from 8 user ratings

Welcome to the official discussion thread for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate on the 3DS!

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The next in Japan's uber popular monster hunting franchise comes to the west on Nintendo 3DS on February 13, 2015.

NW Hunters:

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VofEscaflowne: 2277-6633-7837 (Duraven), Skype:
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Mop it up: 4038-6104-5683 (Nova)
Marsh: 4554-0031-1413 (Jarsh)

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01/17/15, 08:26    Edited: 04/21/15, 02:50
Why not sign up for a (free) account?
I played through the Jaggi quest in the demo on Beginner. The controls definitely were awkward, but this was with an original 3DS and no Circle Pad Pro, so obviously not the optimal set up. With a second circle pad, it seems like they'd work well.

I used the bow and arrow. There was a quick tutorial (which had a funny Glenngary Glenn Ross reference), but it pretty much acknowledged that it was too complicated to really explain in a few dialog boxes. I definitely wasn't exactly clear on whether my attacks were working well, but I did manage to complete the quest by beating the boss, which is better than I did on the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate demo on Wii U.

I also had no idea what my little companions were doing, what other things I could be doing else than attacking the boss, and I managed to get somewhat lost even though the game was holding my hand as far as finding the monster. I'm sure the full game eases you in more and I hope has more fleshed out tutorial stuff (hopefully interactive rather than just reading).

Overall, I'm somewhat interested, although it really seems like a game that I'd enjoy more on the big screen. It looked nice, but it's hard not to imagine how cool it could look on the Wii U. I'll monitor that situation to see if a console version is coming. If not, I'll probably try the demo again on New 3DS once I get one and decide if I want to finally break into this series.
01/17/15, 08:39   
Jargon said:
I played through the Jaggi quest in the demo on Beginner. The controls definitely were awkward, but this was with an original 3DS and no Circle Pad Pro, so obviously not the optimal set up. With a second circle pad, it seems like they'd work well.

I used the bow and arrow. There was a quick tutorial (which had a funny Glenngary Glenn Ross reference), but it pretty much acknowledged that it was too complicated to really explain in a few dialog boxes. I definitely wasn't exactly clear on whether my attacks were working well, but I did manage to complete the quest by beating the boss, which is better than I did on the Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate demo on Wii U.

I also had no idea what my little companions were doing, what other things I could be doing else than attacking the boss, and I managed to get somewhat lost even though the game was holding my hand as far as finding the monster. I'm sure the full game eases you in more and I hope has more fleshed out tutorial stuff (hopefully interactive rather than just reading).

Overall, I'm somewhat interested, although it really seems like a game that I'd enjoy more on the big screen. It looked nice, but it's hard not to imagine how cool it could look on the Wii U. I'll monitor that situation to see if a console version is coming. If not, I'll probably try the demo again on New 3DS once I get one and decide if I want to finally break into this series.

The controls feel different to me depending on which weapon I'm using. I had a more challenging time with the ranged weapons, but I got used to them. I tried most of the weapons, and I think the Hammer and Long Sword are probably best for beginners. I don't think that the tutorials in the demo were that helpful for beginners or vets. There are some new weapons and abilities that I wasn't sure how to really utilize during combat, like the jump off wall attacks or the dino rodeo moves. On the plus side, it is portable and I had fun playing it. I beat all of the three Monster Challenges solo and played some online Co-op with randoms without any real issue. It doesn't look great, but it's portable and in 3D and I really liked the 3D. Had the 3D on all the way. I've played Monster Hunter on WiiU and PSP and this game is pretty good so far, but that's just me. I would suggest trying out different weapons until you feel comfortable with one. Everyone has a different play style, but I think Long Sword and Hammer are pretty easy to use. Don't give up! I used OG 3DS without thumbstick add-on.
01/17/15, 10:37   
01/17/15, 23:42   
Also being a bow user I thought the controls sucked. Till I opened the options and there are bow options. They start you on "type 2". If you want it to feel almost exactly like the MH3U bow set that option too "type 1". It's glorious for us bow hunters
01/18/15, 07:08   
If anyone needs a demo code let me know. I have two more.
01/18/15, 21:17   
I played the demo too, I didn't have my CPP handy so manipulating the camera was a nightmare (just like with iOS my mind simply cannot adapt to onscreen virtual controls) but despite that I really enjoyed it, the world is just... well majestic, especially in 3-D, the first time I panned around and saw the massive mountains in the distance my jaw dropped. These are the kinds of games I really enjoy on a handheld and I passed on MH3 since it lacked online, this time however I'm 100% in it to win it, can't wait!
01/19/15, 07:24   
I got a demo code from Mop it up and have just been trying out the new weapons that have released since Tri. I tried all the ones in Tri and I think the Hammer, greatsword and SnS work well for me. The Insect Glave while fun to use is going to take a while to get down between the insect and Bow staff like attacks.
01/19/15, 20:07   
I'm holding out hope for a Wii U version (because I just prefer a bigger screen) but I like what I've played so far. I need to try out more weapon types, but I really like the charge blade.

I will probably end up getting this. We'll see how finances look.
01/19/15, 20:34   
I'd probably prefer this on the big TV as well, but if nothing gets announced for Wii U by the time I get a New 3DS and people are super into it here I might jump in with the 3DS version.
01/19/15, 20:40   
My hunting horn also feels super sweet and alittle faster in this game.
01/19/15, 20:48   
I wasn't too impressed with the new weapons, but I guess I need to give them more time. Is there a way to mount a monster besides jumping from above + attacking a certain part of the monster?
01/19/15, 20:56   
Trying the demo just confirmed what I already suspected, which is that I don't like playing this on a handheld. The smaller screen results in a more narrow field of view, making it tougher to see everything and more easily obstructing the view of the character. Even though I have a Circle Pad Pro, the controls still don't feel as good as a controller. I also don't feel like the game is new enough to go through all the grinding again. I think I'll be sitting this one out.
01/19/15, 23:03   
Same here. I'd rather play this on a console. Also, considering that I still have a lot left to do in MH3U, I'm going to hold off for now.
01/19/15, 23:18   
canonj said:
Same here. I'd rather play this on a console. Also, considering that I still have a lot left to do in MH3U, I'm going to hold off for now.
I'm with you, in terms of having lots left to accomplish in MH3U. There's still a few monsters I have yet to trap or slay, and a particular set of armor that I want to craft and gem up.

So I still want this, but not right now. I'm holding out for a console version. I know Japan is all about portables for the most part, but Capcom should consider the western audience when building the game...I'd even consider a straight port graphics-wise with voice chat added (and off-TV play too).
01/20/15, 00:55   
Edited: 01/20/15, 00:57
I finally dug into this demo. Pretty kickass. I handily disposed of the first two beast, but Gore Mag trounced me. (Almost killed it, though.)

As far as weapons (so far), the Gunlance is still the Gunlance. That insect thing is interestingly bizarre (the hop move is neat, but hard to land with (so far)). And the Charge Sword is super-cool. I might just go with that one this time. The Axe powers are devastating.

As far as the game overall, it ran really smoothly, even in 3D. But trying to keep the 3D effect on a moving train was stressing me out. I hope the New 3DS works miracles in that department. As for playing portably... I'd rather not, honestly. It's not exactly a pick up and play game, and furiously pressing the buttons was kind of cramping me up. But I'll still get it. And then put 300 hours into it. And then get Carpal Tunnel.

Tap L to center the camera behind the character. Press the Target Cam and Tap L to face the Monster.
01/20/15, 04:14   
I can not for the life of me beat Gore Mag I really tried to beat them with the SnS and Hammer but I always run out of time before I can kill it. They always gets to their resting place and then I run out of time.

Oh wow I just beat the Gore Magala with the Charge Blade and I think I have a new fave weapon.
01/20/15, 19:50   
Edited: 01/20/15, 20:13
Maxi! Will we finally get to play together again? It's been so long!

I like the tweaks to the Bow. I am seriously considering main'ing Bow in single player. I have gone from a Long Sword purist Blademaster to loving half of the weapons offered and truly adoring Bows and Bow Guns.
01/21/15, 04:38   
Wow it has been too long stratos. I am considering grabbing this somewhat near launch if I have the funds to do so.
01/21/15, 07:50   
I won't get to play this for a while since I'm lack the funds at the moment (and would prefer to play it on a new 3DS XL)
01/21/15, 08:17   
@NinTemple_Maxi I hope you do. It would be nice to catch up and hunt. Though without Mop it up we'll be down one from our classic team. I'm still holding out for a Wii U HD port in the next year as I will certainly double-dip. I need to hop over to Nintemple again since that is the only place I know you and GP from.
01/21/15, 08:26   
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