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Nintendo E3 2013 Wii U: Super Mario 3D World announced (trailer + images inside!)
News reported by 
June 11, 2013, 17:58

Although we knew that a 3D Mario game was on the way for the Wii U, little did we know that it would be a sequel to Super Mario 3D Land on the 3DS. The Super Mario 3D World trailer shows off some, including 4 player co-op and a... cat suit?

But don't listen to me, watch the trailer below!

Super Mario 3D World is due out in December 2013, just in time for the holidays! Stay tuned for more details!

Some more information from GoNintendo:

- when working on Super Mario 3D Land, they thought multiplayer would be great
- this didn't make the cut for the 3DS
- they felt the power of Wii U could help them achieve this
- is influenced by the eccentric and wild levels designs from the Galaxy
- won't comment on story yet

Source: E3 Nintendo direct / Nintendo's Youtube channel / GoNintendo

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06/11/13, 17:58   Edited:  06/12/13, 01:01
Why not sign up for a (free) account?
I actually like the Super Mario 2 abilities coming back for the specific characters!! Floating Peach!!

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 17:59
Okay, I have to get this off my chest.

Well, first of all, MEGA MAN IN SMASH BROS!! That was freaking perfect; best thing for the entire show for me. Thank you, Sakurai and possibly Inafune for making this happen!

But back on topic, Mario let me down this year. I think when the Wii U launched with NSMBU, we all knew it was sort of a "stopgap" game, a title that would help the Wii U get some sales while the "real" Mario game (the 3D one worked on by EAD Tokyo) would show up later and blow us away.

But is this how Mario--gaming's most beloved icon--rings in the next gen? With a sequel to a 3DS game that barely looks better than its predecessor? Don't get me wrong, the game looks fun and enjoyable, but there's absolutely nothing here that REALLY excites me the way Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy did. Where are the unbelievable, insane environments? Where's the gorgeous art style? Where's the incredible orchestrated soundtrack?

And four player is the main draw? Eh. I like co-op, I do, but leave that for the lesser Mario games. This really should've been something spectacular, being Nintendo's big game for the holiday, and it just feels...manufactured.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:12   Edited:  06/11/13, 18:12
I feel like crying.

I was so hoping for a Mario 64 style 3D Mario with stars at the end and large sprawling levels.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:15
I don't think anyone saw this coming. I'm sure it'll be a good game, but it lacks that gut-punch that I think a lot of people were expecting out of the next 3D Mario.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:18
missypissy said:
I don't think anyone saw this coming. I'm sure it'll be a good game, but it lacks that gut-punch that I think a lot of people were expecting out of the next 3D Mario.

Oh, it was still a gut-punch!

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:21
It looks like it'll be fun but doesn't seem to capture the magic of 64, Galaxy, or even Sunshine. Looks like a fun game but not exactly that kind of "experience" I'm going to immerse myself in like those other games. Basically, looks like if you've played 3D Land, you know what to expect.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:22
I'm looking forward to playing this game very much, but it didn't exactly blow my mind. The ideas behind it are sound, but they aren't exactly revolutionary. I was hoping to see something that would sell people on GamePad use or something that we never saw coming until it hit us on the nose.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:23
TriforceBun said:
Okay, I have to get this off my chest.

Well, first of all, MEGA MAN IN SMASH BROS!! That was freaking perfect; best thing for the entire show for me. Thank you, Sakurai and possibly Inafune for making this happen!

But back on topic, Mario let me down this year. I think when the Wii U launched with NSMBU, we all knew it was sort of a "stopgap" game, a title that would help the Wii U get some sales while the "real" Mario game (the 3D one worked on by EAD Tokyo) would show up later and blow us away.

But is this how Mario--gaming's most beloved icon--rings in the next gen? With a sequel to a 3DS game that barely looks better than its predecessor? Don't get me wrong, the game looks fun and enjoyable, but there's absolutely nothing here that REALLY excites me the way Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy did. Where are the unbelievable, insane environments? Where's the gorgeous art style? Where's the incredible orchestrated soundtrack?

And four player is the main draw? Eh. I like co-op, I do, but leave that for the lesser Mario games. This really should've been something spectacular, being Nintendo's big game for the holiday, and it just feels...manufactured.

I'm glad it's not just me.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:28
This reminds me of a recent Ratchet and Clank 4 player game, I hope it's better than that.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:30
I was dreading the rumors of a Sunshine sequel, but I'd take even THAT over this. :( It'll be good, but Nintendo...this is just sad.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:30
As an aside game this looks good, great even. But as the next major console Mario game? It leaves a lot to be desired.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:32
I'm not all that surprised. Nintendo has been trying to get people to buy their 3D Mario games somewhat close to the same level as the 2D Marios. Super Mario 3D Land was a very good melding of the two.

I would've much rather seen Galaxy 3 or something along those lines, but I still think this is going to be a great game. The four player looks like a lot of fun too.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:36
I'm concerned about the length and linearity of the levels. 3D Land was designed for portable pick up (and put down) and play scenarios. Will these levels feel more substantial. That said, 3D Land is far superior to the NSMB series. Maybe I'm finally being Marioed out. I shudder at the thought.

The levels look cool. We finally get Peach instead of two Toads. Cat Mario looks like the skills were stolen from 3d Sonic and Knuckles combined, but fun. I'm going to miss playing with gravity.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:46
I wonder for those that have a 3D capable setup if this game will support it?

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:50
My son crapped his pants when he saw this (he's 1 and wears a diaper) but I was definitely less excited. These games are not what I want right now.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:50
Nintendo stopped making real 3D marios. I'm going to start drinking early today.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 18:59
I kind of can't believe that people are so 'whatever' about this. Regardless of the approach taken, the trailer looks like pure fun.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 19:03

That's kinda where I stand. It wasn't what I was expecting, but it's not bad by any means.

I'm just hoping there's some component of online play. Local co-op is tough for me to pull off nowadays...

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 19:04

I don't think anyone is denying that. It looks fun, but it's meh for a console 3D Mario. It looks phoned in. People want groundbreaking with Mario. Not this.

Can't really tell from the trailer, but it looks like they went away from the great orchestra music of the Galaxy games. While 3D Land is great fun, Mario's movement in that game isn't nearly as dynamic and free flowing as it is in Mario 64, Sunshine, and Galaxy.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 19:05   Edited:  06/11/13, 19:08
Meh, if people don't like this one they'll just try that much harder on the next one.

Posted by 
 on: 06/11/13, 19:09
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