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Nintendo Download for January 3, 2013.
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January 03, 2013, 16:32
The New Year starts off with a surprising thud with this week's Nintendo Download. No new content will be added to the Wii U eShop or Wii Shop Channel on January 3, 2013, and the 3DS eShop lacks any new Virtual Console titles. However, Unchained Blades, a massive RPG, lands on the 3DS eShop courtesy of XSEED Games. Atlus' Code of Princess also lands in the 3DS eShop, as well as some other new titles on both 3DS and DSiWare.

Wii U eShop
Retail Titles
  • None

  • eShop Digital Titles
  • None

  • Demos
  • None

  • Apps
  • None

  • 3DS eShop
    Retail Titles
  • Code of Princess - Atlus

  • eShop Digital Titles
  • Air Battle Hockey 3D - 10TACLE Studios, Price TBD
  • Gunman Clive - Hörberg Productions, $1.99
  • Unchained Blades - XSEED Games, $29.99

  • Virtual Console
  • None

  • Demos
  • None

  • Apps
  • None

  • DSiWare (also available in the 3DS eShop)
  • Galaxy Saver - G-Style, 200 points/$1.99
  • Snowboard Xtreme - EnjoyUp Games, 200 points/$1.99

  • Wii Shop Channel
  • None

  • Virtual Console
  • None

  • Source.

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    01/03/13, 16:32
    Why not sign up for a (free) account?
    It still shocks me that Gunman Clive is only $2. I know it's on iOS, but usually games command a higher premium on the eShop, even if they're on iOS as well. Oh well, downloading for sure!

    Still disappointed at the lack of Wii U eShop content since launch though. I don't think we've had a single non-retail release since launch. I know Runner 2 was originally scheduled for January, so hopefully that'll be out soon. I have no idea if it's been delayed or not though.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 16:54

    Toki Tori 2, Runner 2, and Cloudberry Kingdom are all on tap for the near future. I'm surprised Puddle hasn't come out yet (even though I'm not really interested in it)...

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 17:00
    Even though I don't have a Wii U, I'm still shocked and a little bummed that there has been no games for the Wii U eShop in... a while.

    Of course, this isn't without precedent. The 3DS didn't even *have* the eShop for the first several months or so.

    Still, I'm torn. The Wii Shop Channel had things to download at launch, and had new content up every week on Wii. And when the DSiWare Shop opened, there was stuff there every week. I guess things are just slower getting out with the new console?

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 17:10
    Unchained Blades isn't retail, yet it is $30?!

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 17:21

    Well it was a retail PSP game...

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 17:24   Edited:  01/03/13, 17:25
    @GameDadGrant I think what bothers me most is that WiiWare isn't part of the Wii U eShop. If WiiWare releases could be easily played from the Wii U menu, or Virtual Console games on the GamePad, it would be a lot easier to swallow. At launch, the Wii Shop Channel had a steady stream of VC games releasing (even though WiiWare didn't come out until what, 2007? 2008?), and the 3DS eShop had DSiWare (both the back catalog and still-releasing games) and Virtual Console releases. The Wii U eShop hasn't had a single non-retail release since launch.

    I'd love to download La-Mulana on my Wii U, but it bothers me that I have to boot up a completely separate mode that uses completely separate money in a completely separate shop that is a headache to navigate. And as a result, I still don't have La-Mulana. I feel like a traitor after being hyped for that game for so long.

    @Zero I'm pretty sure it was a retail game in Japan. So it's designed as a full, retail-quality game, it's just not getting a physical release.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 17:25   Edited:  01/03/13, 17:26
    Why is there fucking nothing for consoles? Shit.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 17:27
    The Wii U eShop is a joke right now. At least there are a crap ton of retail titles on there, but we need more indie efforts, and the lack of VC stands out like a sore thumb since the Wii launch was so dependent on it, and it delivered.

    On the 3DS side, I haven't gotten around to Crimson Shroud nor Fluidity: Spin Cycle, so I have plenty on queue to download if and when I have the time to play any more games.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 17:29
    Yeah you can also get it on PSP or even PS3 I believe, looks really good if you're into that Etrian Odyssey kind of thing.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 17:34
    FYI: Mega Man 2 is coming to the 3DS VC on February 7.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 21:14
    Will finally get to download Unchained Blades! Can't wait!

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 21:35
    Post impressions!

    I'm playing Orcs and Elves on the DS right now and it's sooooooo good. Has me in the mood for dungeon crawling.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 22:11
    Do we have any idea when VC is coming to the Wii U? And do we know if more consoles will be added? Gamecube / etc.?

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 23:54
    I've heard absolutely nothing about that.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/03/13, 23:57

    They haven't said when, but I would assume it's sooner than later...both the Wii and 3DS had Virtual Consoles at launch, so I find it odd that the Wii U doesn't. Maybe they're working on a way to reconcile Wii and 3DS VC purchases so that Wii U owners wouldn't have to buy VC games for a second (or third) time? Doubtful, but you never know...

    Given that the file size restriction has been removed, I would expect GameCube games to be added. I'd be shocked if they weren't added honestly.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/04/13, 00:29   Edited:  01/04/13, 00:31
    Oh man, I ABSOLUTELY wanted Unchained Blades but I was not mentally preparing myself for a $30 price tag =\
    hmmm, might have to wait a little bit on that.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/04/13, 00:47
    Nice to know that I'll never have to hunt for a cartridge if I ever decide I want Code of Princess.

    Posted by 
     on: 01/04/13, 01:53

    I'm reading this as "I can buy this without getting funny looks that a 3/4 naked woman on the box brings."

    Code of Princess = almost smut

    Posted by 
     on: 01/04/13, 02:14
    @Mr_Mustache Hahaha yes, that's certainly another benefit

    Posted by 
     on: 01/04/13, 02:18

    I bought FYE Smut one time from a nearly underage (17-20?) female cashier once. GOD, it was uncomfortable.

    "Please don't get her, please don't get her" "I can help you! " ..... .....

    I think got a filthy calendar from FYE in a similar fashion. FYE is horrible, haha!

    Posted by 
     on: 01/04/13, 02:24
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